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hardware-libhardware_legacy: Liste des Branches


Nom Révision l'heure Auteur
oreo-x86 7a7d6e6 2017-04-18 16:08:50 gitbuildkicker

merge in oc-release history after reset to oc-dev

nougat-x86 b8c9483 2016-11-08 23:32:49 Chih-Wei Huang

powerbtnd: include the header for string functions prototypes Also fixes a warning of mismatching argument.

marshmallow-x86 76edfc0 2016-09-07 02:10:03 Chih-Wei Huang

wifi: fix unable to unload driver

lollipop-x86 059ec9f 2015-03-12 12:47:55 Chih-Wei Huang

wifi: support built-in wifi drivers If a wifi interface is found but no module name, assume it's built-in and just return ok.

kitkat-x86 72224ed 2015-01-01 02:30:12 Chih-Wei Huang

powerbtnd: simulate power key on resuming

jb-x86 1d378ad 2013-07-25 17:43:53 Chih-Wei Huang

add powerbtnd to simulate long press of power button. On x86 PC, power button usually generates key press and release events simultaneously. However, the an...

ics-x86 1db28bb 2012-02-22 13:21:00 Chih-Wei Huang

powerbtnd: add poweroff.doubleclick feature On poweroff.doubleclick=0, one click to power button invokes poweroff dialog directly. On poweroff.doubleclick=...

gingerbread-x86 36c6e87 2011-07-12 16:06:24 Chih-Wei Huang

add powerbtnd to simulate long press of power button. On x86 PC, power button usually generates key press and release events simultaneously. However, the an...

honeycomb-x86 cbd0332 2011-07-12 15:58:56 Chih-Wei Huang

add powerbtnd to simulate long press of power button. On x86 PC, power button usually generates key press and release events simultaneously. However, the an...

froyo-x86 a856a14 2010-09-03 12:41:05 Chih-Wei Huang

wifi: auto-detect the module name and path

donut-x86 befa579 2010-08-06 09:18:01 Owen Kwon

added missing SRC file

eclair-x86 0f04d64 2010-04-16 19:47:44 Yi Sun

changes based on review feedback

cupcake-x86 abaadf7 2009-03-28 07:31:11 The Android Open Source Project

Merge commit 'korg/cupcake'

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