[Anthy-dev 1081] [PATCH] uim-m17n-*-* の候補一覧

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Seiichi SATO ssato****@sh*****
2004年 9月 27日 (月) 08:08:25 JST


m17n-*-* で候補一覧が正しく取得できないようなので
gedit と m17n-{ja-anthy,zh-py} で動作を確認しました。

# m17nlib.scm は m17nlib.c の変更に合わせただけなので
# 不十分かも...


-------------- next part --------------
Index: scm/m17nlib.scm
--- scm/m17nlib.scm	(revision 1296)
+++ scm/m17nlib.scm	(working copy)
@@ -52,11 +52,15 @@
     (let* ((c (find-context id))
 	   (mc (context-data c))
 	   (mid (m17nlib-context-id mc))
+	   (max (m17nlib-lib-get-nr-candidates mid))
 	   (showing-candidate? (m17nlib-context-showing-candidate mc)))
       (if showing-candidate?
 	  (if (m17nlib-lib-candidate-show? mid)
-		(im-select-candidate mid
+		(im-activate-candidate-selector
+		 id
+		 max m17nlib-candidate-max)
+		(im-select-candidate id
 				     (m17nlib-lib-get-candidate-index mid)))
 		(m17nlib-context-set-showing-candidate! mc #f)
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@
-		 5 m17nlib-candidate-max)
+		 max m17nlib-candidate-max)
 		(im-select-candidate id (m17nlib-lib-get-candidate-index mid))
 		(m17nlib-context-set-showing-candidate! mc #t)))
 	  ))));nothing to do
Index: uim/m17nlib.c
--- uim/m17nlib.c	(revision 1296)
+++ uim/m17nlib.c	(working copy)
@@ -619,9 +619,39 @@
 static LISP
+get_nr_candidates(LISP id_)
+  MPlist *group;
+  MPlist *elm;
+  int result = 0;
+  int id = get_c_int(id_);
+  MInputContext *ic = ic_array[id].mic;
+  if(!ic || !ic->candidate_list)
+    return siod_false_value();
+  group = ic->candidate_list;
+  while(mplist_value(group) != Mnil) {
+    if(mplist_key(group) == Mtext) {
+      for (; mplist_key(group) != Mnil; group = mplist_next(group)) {
+        result += mtext_len(mplist_value(group));
+      }
+    } else {
+      for (; mplist_key(group) != Mnil; group = mplist_next(group)) {
+        result += mplist_length(mplist_value(group));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return intcons(result);
+static LISP
 get_nth_candidate(LISP id_, LISP nth_)
   MText *produced = NULL; /* Quiet gcc */
+  MPlist *group;
   MPlist *elm;
   int i;
   unsigned char *buf = NULL; /* Quiet gcc */
@@ -633,15 +663,31 @@
   if(!ic || !ic->candidate_list)
     return NIL;
-  elm = mplist_value(ic->candidate_list);
+  group = ic->candidate_list;
-  for (i=0; mplist_key(elm) != Mnil; elm = mplist_next(elm),i++) {
-    if(i == nth) {
-      produced = mplist_value(elm);
-      buf = convert_mtext2str(produced);
-      /*      m17n_object_unref(produced); */
+  if(mplist_key(group) == Mtext) {
+    for (i=0; mplist_key(group) != Mnil; group = mplist_next(group)) {
+      int j;
+      for (j=0; j < mtext_len(mplist_value(group)); j++, i++) {
+        if(i == nth) {
+          produced = mtext();
+          mtext_cat_char(produced, mtext_ref_char(mplist_value(group), j));
+          buf = convert_mtext2str(produced);
+          m17n_object_unref(produced);
+        }
+      }
+  } else {
+    for (i=0; mplist_key(group) != Mnil; group = mplist_next(group)) {
+      for (elm = mplist_value(group); mplist_key(elm) != Mnil; elm = mplist_next(elm),i++) {
+        if(i == nth) {
+          produced = mplist_value(elm);
+          buf = convert_mtext2str(produced);
+        }
+      }
+    }
   if(!buf) {
     return strcons(0, "");
   } else {
@@ -691,6 +737,7 @@
   init_subr_1("m17nlib-lib-get-commit-string", get_commit_string);
   init_subr_1("m17nlib-lib-commit", commit);
   init_subr_1("m17nlib-lib-candidate-show?", candidate_showp);
+  init_subr_1("m17nlib-lib-get-nr-candidates", get_nr_candidates);
   init_subr_2("m17nlib-lib-get-nth-candidate", get_nth_candidate);
   init_subr_1("m17nlib-lib-get-candidate-index", get_candidate_index);

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