hitesh pei
2007年 8月 18日 (土) 00:34:42 JST
H'E R_E WE GO AGA-IN! T*H E B*I_G O.N'E BE,FORE T*H_E SEP TEMBER.'RALLY! T*H*E M.ARKET IS ABOU_T TO P_O.P', A+N,D SO IS E_X.M-T-! Firm*: EXCHA,NG+E MOBIL_E T E,L+E (O'ther O-T.C : EXM-T.PK) T_ick: E'X+M-T A-s-k.: 0_._0-8 5*-day p+ot_ential: 0_.+4_0 T h-i_s a g-reat opp*ortun.ity to at l*east doubl-e up! N,o_t o.n+l-y d'o_e's t-h i,s f+i,r'm h*a_v*e gr.eat fun_dame'ntals, b u,t g etting t*h.i+s oppor tu.nity at t-h'e r.ight t+ime, rig*ht befor e t-h-e ra.lly is w'h a t make.s t-h*i,s d.e,a-l so swee't! Watc-h it s.o a,r_! T*h-e trou't quive'red*, ri_gid. Gesellschaf.'t u'n,d Kult.ur d_e,s alt_en Meso,*potamien, 196-4, S. Y.o_u m u*s.t p,u-t t*h.e t*a.g w,ithin t h e firs,t 4_0.9-6 byte s of a p a-g*e . So L-ong, a n+d T_hanks f+o.r A_l_l t'h_e F,i+s*h,. An application-defined comm'and f l'a,g t-h_a.t in.dica-tes whi_ch custo*m c.ommand to execut_e. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...Télécharger