[Dmonkey-dev] t. Many small don

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Cherlyn Pagano speci****@globa*****
2010年 4月 8日 (木) 23:08:01 JST

 that is no reason why the reservoir should remain dry forever. The

water will settle by and by, and the whole
people be refreshed. If there is truth in these more liberal views
of amusement, it is

in vain for religious newspapers to shirk the discussion of the
question. It is in vain for influential ministers to beg young men's
Christian conventions not to raise it. It is in vain for the pulpit
to preserve a discreet silence. The thing will out.

The truth will stay swathed in no cave in the rock. The
things that have been spoken
in the ear in closets will be proclaimed upon the house tops. The
Christian public will the sooner attain correct

views on this subject through free discussion. If the thing
be not of
God, it will sooner come
to nought through this process than
through any other. But by their love for souls, and by their sworn
loyalty to God and truth, let the clergy
run the sword of the Spirit through and through this matter, that the
world may know the truth and detect the falsehood. It is confessed by
some that they have given the subject no attention. They have
the traditions of the church as they found them, have preached and
have tried to enforce them, or else have settled down upon the
assumption that the m
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