[Dmonkey-dev] no wonder, no tumult of spirit to rep

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Basemore Lem kina****@vtsv*****
2010年 4月 23日 (金) 07:03:34 JST

Ence as to a popular preference. A recent traveller in Australia
informs us that the three books which he found on every squatter's
shelf, and
which at last he knew before he crossed the threshold that he should
be sure to find, were Shakespeare, the Bible, and Macaulay's Essays.
This is
only an illustration of a feeling about
Macaulay that has been almost universal among the English-speaking
peoples. We may safely say that no man obtains and keeps for a great
many years

such a position as this, unless he is possessed
of some very extraordinary qualities, or else of common qualities in
a very uncommon and extraordinary degree. The world, says Goethe, is
more willing to endure the Incongruous than to be patient under the

Insignificant. Even those who set least value on what Macaulay does
for his readers, may still feel bound to distinguish the elements
have given him his vast popularity.

The inquiry is not a piece of merely literary criticism,
for it is impossible that the work of so imposing a writer should

have passed through the hands of every man and woman of his time who
has even the humblest pretensions to cultivation, without leaving a
very decided mark on their habits both of thought and
expression. As a plain matter of observation, it is impossible to
take up a newspaper

or a review, for instance, without perceiving Macaulay's influence
both in the style and the temper

of modern journalism, and journalism in its turn acts upon the style
and temper of its enormous uncounted public.

The man who now succeeds in catching the ear of the writers of
leading articles, is in the position that used to be held by the head
of some great theological school, whence disciples
swarmed forth to reproduce in ten thousand
pulpits the arguments, the opinions, the
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