New Feature of Traffic Analysis on Project Page, Using Google Analytics
2017-04-30 06:33 (by sado)

We have adopted Google Analytics, and now we have a newly added feature of traffic analysis that works on each page of all the projects on

By setting Tracking ID for Google Analytics, which can be done from the Google Analytics setup section located at the bottom of Project Management page, you will have the tracking code automatically added to /project/anything-that -follows (or /ticket/anything-that -follows ).

This is applicable to pages of all individual projects on Please notice that it is not applicable to pages on project web ( (If you need to add Google Analytics tracking code to a content which is set up on project web, you will need to go through the process individually. You can not expect that to happen using this feature.)

For information on features/setups of Google Analytics itself, please refer to other sources like Google Analytics Help. (We can not answer any questions regarding Google Analytics itself.)

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