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Mirrors for File Releases

All the files that are published through the use of file release system of OSDN project or chamber are mirrored by the mirror servers which are managed by organizations who cooperate with OSDN's open-source activities. The users who download files from OSDN will receive the files from those mirror sites.

The time consumed in downloading varies according to the mirror site's server performance, geographic location, condition of the network system, and so on. Users can choose, from the download page, the mirror site they prefer for downloading files.

Below is the list of mirrors in operation.

Logo Name Location Continent
liquid-telecom-50.png Liquid Telecom Nairobi, Kenya Africa
tuna_logo_64x50.png Tsinghua University TUNA Association Beijing, China Asia
bfsu_logo_100x23.png Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing, China Asia
xtom_logo_118x49.png xTom Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong, China Asia
jaist_100x34.png Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Nomi, Japan Asia
iij_162x34.png Internet Initiative Japan Inc. Osaka, Japan Asia
globalbase_124x35.gif GLOBALBASE Osaka, Japan Asia
yamagatauniv_logo_w_100x42.png Yamagata University Yamagata, Japan Asia
nchc_logo_100x39.png National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC) Hsinchiu,Taiwan Asia
RWTH Aachen University Aachen, NRW, Germany Europe
cznic_log_100x13.png CZ.NIC Czech Republic Europe
onet_logo_100x31.png Grupa S.A. Krakow, Poland Europe
acclogo_33x40.png Academic Computer Club, Umeå University Umeå, Sweden Europe
dotsrc-small.png Aalborg University Aalborg, Denmark Europe
ipconnect_logo_100x35.png IP Connect LLC Vinnytsya, Ukraine Europe
Princeton_logo_100x29.png Princeton University Mathematics Department Princeton, New Jersey, USA North America
constant_logo_166x25.png Constant Hosting Piscataway, New Jersey, USA North America
plug_logo_100x19.png Purdue Linux Users Group West Lafayette, Indiana, USA North America
gigenet_logo_small.png GigeNET Chicago, Illinois, USA North America
tcpdiag_logo_100x39.png tcpdiag Pasadena, California, USA North America
xtom_logo_118x49.png Inc. Los Angels, California, USA North Amaerica
c3sl_logo_100x39.png the Center for Scientific Computing and Free Software, of the Federal University of Parana Parana, Brazil South America
aarnet_logo_100x25.png Australian Academic and Research Network (AARnet) New South Wales, Australia Oceania