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Description du projet

Astro::SIMBAD Module is an objected orientated
Perl interface to the SIMBAD astronomical
database. SIMBAD provides basic data, cross-
identifications, and a bibliography for astronomical
objects outside the solar system.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-06-08 06:48

Le module supporte maintenant les requêtes objet en plus de soutien existant pour les requêtes de liste. Ce soutien devrait être rétrocompatible avec le code existant héritage.
Tags: Development, Major feature enhancements
The module now supports object queries in addition
to existing support for list queries. This support
should be backwards compatible with existing
legacy code.

2002-05-31 01:12

Ce communiqué a été modifié pour faire face aux cas particulier AD et Déc retourné par une archive pour les gros objets. Il ya un bug pour le harnais de test.
Tags: Development, Minor bugfixes
This release has been modified to deal with special case R.A. and Dec returned by an archive for large objects. There is a bugfix for the test harness.

2001-12-06 14:48

Tags: Development, Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources