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Description du projet

BlueMind is a messaging and collaboration platform. It offers scalable shared messaging, calendars, contacts, and instant messaging with advanced mobility (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.), and Outlook, Thunderbird, and CalDAV connectivity support. Designed with simplicity as a goal, it uses Web 2.0 technologies with a JavaScript UI, offline Web capability, and a Web-services-oriented pluggable architecture.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-01-18 07:01 Retour à la liste release

Cette version apporte quelques corrections sur la synchronisation d'Active Directory (renvois, groupes récursive de manutention, etc.), améliore la synchronisation LDAP et corrige des bugs dans le traitement global de ACL, l'écran de gestion des actions mail et autres cas de plantages de Firefox avec RC. Il corrige la saisie semi-automatique de Thunderbird et améliore les performances de saisie semi-automatique sur les systèmes avec un grand nombre de groupes.
Tags: 1.0, Stable
This release brings some fixes on the ActiveDirectory sync (referrals, recursive groups handling, etc.), improves the LDAP sync, and fixes bugs in global ACL handling, the mail shares management screen, and other Firefox crashes cases with RC. It fixes autocomplete from Thunderbird, and improves autocomplete performance on systems with a great number of groups.

Project Resources