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Description du projet

bfr maintains a buffer of data collected from stdin, emitting the data to stdout. It will both read and write at the speed each stream can handle, and allows you to set thresholds of when to start outputting and inputting again (after reaching a full buffer), the size of the buffer, as well as monitor content/throughput with an optional progress-bar. It also includes bfp, a variant especially written to play audio data using /dev/dsp.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-03-06 22:13

Au total, "champ" a été ajouté à la barre de progression. Divers bogues ont été corrigés.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A "total" field was added to the progress bar.
Various bugs were fixed.

2002-02-09 02:13

Corrections de bogues divers et la laideur, lecteur de soutien forkoff côté (pour la poussette non bloquant les implémentations qui pendent encore si la lecture à partir de NFS ou un CD rayé), et une nouvelle option - output.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Fixes for various bugs and ugliness, reader-side forkoff support (for buggy nonblocking implementations that still hang if reading from NFS or a scratched CD), and a new --output option.

2001-11-14 11:27

Progress barre d'écran de mise à jour des correctifs et des nettoyages Debianisation mineures ont été ajoutées.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Progress bar screen-update fixes and minor debianization cleanups were added.

2001-10-27 11:52

Un bug dans la barre de progression a été fixée, et certains avertissements lintian et automake ont été supprimés.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A bug in the progress bar was fixed, and some lintian and automake warnings were removed.

2001-10-11 11:36

An - initiale (cas particulier de - la durée minimale, pour prebuffering initiale) a été retenu. Un bug causé bfr / BFP pour accrocher parfois dans un CPUloop, au lieu de sortir à la fin de l'exécution a été fixée. La barre d'état a été complètement remaniée, ainsi que la plupart des arguments de ligne de commande, afin de permettre l'utilisation cohérente de suffixes.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
An --initial (special case of --minimum, for initial prebuffering) was incorporated. A bug causing bfr/bfp to sometimes hang in a CPUloop, instead of exiting at end of execution was fixed. The status bar was completely reworked, as well as most of the command-line arguments, to allow consistent use of suffixes.

Project Resources