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Description du projet

Chess Training Tools is a collection of chess training tools. It includes a chess visualization trainer that teaches chess visualization by drilling you on the color of a particular square, and also on your ability to tell if two squares are the same color, if two (or three) squares are on the same diagonal, if two squares are a knight move apart, or if two squares are two knight moves apart. It includes a weak chess program (called Vince) that lets you lag the display by several ply, hide all pieces or all pawns, and block out quadrants of the board. Furthermore, it includes an opening memorization trainer. The Palm & Pocket PC versions are missing the mate, opening trainer, and Vince.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-01-22 19:54

Un test de formation du secteur qui contribue à briser le conseil en jonques plus petits pour les yeux bandés a été ajouté. Quelques questions autour de l'interface de test Blindfold ont été fixés.
A sector training test that helps break down the board into smaller junks for blindfold was added. Some UI issues around the Blindfold Test were fixed.

2009-06-12 17:22

Un test de jeu bandeau a été ajouté, ce qui vous permet de participer à un jeu PGN et ensuite passer ce mouvement par mouvement, tout en étant interrogé sur divers aspects de la position actuelle.
A blindfold game test was added, which allows you to enter a PGN game and then step through it move by move while being quizzed on various aspects of the current position.

2009-02-28 06:20

Cette version ajoute un écran plus large bord. Il ajoute un nouvel outil de vision d'échecs de la formation. Il améliore l'ouverture du moteur à jouer si elle sort de la réserver à l'avance. Le formateur d'ouverture a été supprimé, car il existe des outils beaucoup plus libre.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release adds a larger board display. It adds a new chess vision training tool. It improves opening play of the engine if it gets out of the book early. The opening trainer has been removed, as there are much better free tools.

2006-04-29 10:05

Ce communiqué a ajouté à néant, ou programme de reprise passer au Playtest ( "Vince").
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release added undo, or move takeback to the PlayTest ("Vince").

2005-06-03 10:12

Cette version ajoute la possibilité de masquer le centre, le «grand» centre, et blanc et / ou les pièces noires. Il change les pièces d'échecs à un ensemble différent d'éviter les problèmes de copyright possible. Il a rétréci le livre de la taille des jeux 2600. Le point de vue échiquier a été divisé par et est maintenant une bibliothèque. Le tracé a été changé une touche.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This version adds the ability to hide the center, the "big"
center, and white and/or black pieces. It changes the chess
pieces to a different set to avoid possible copyright issues. It
shrunk the book down from the 2600 games size. The chess
board view was split out and is now a library. The layout was
changed a touch.

Project Resources