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Description du projet

CloverETL is Java-based tool/framework for data integration and creation of data transformations. It is component based and follows the concept of transformation graphs which consist of individual nodes/components performing simple (or complex) operations on data. Any transformation can be defined as a set of interconnected nodes through which data flows. CloverETL can be used as a standalone application or be embedded into a larger project.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-10-14 06:37 Retour à la liste release

Options de personnalisation pour les partenaires OEM. Minor tweaks XMLWriter. La forme d'URL de fichier a été modifiée pour être compatible Java. Correction d'un bug dans l'éditeur de cartographie XMLExtract : elle préserve la cartographie des éléments cartographiés par.../ notation. Mac OS X se bloque dans l'interface GUI de ComplexDataReader ont été corrigés.
Customization options for OEM partners. Minor XMLWriter tweaks. The file URLs form has been changed to be Java compliant. A bug in the XMLExtract mapping editor has been fixed: it preserves the mapping of items mapped by ../ notation. Mac OS X crashes in the ComplexDataReader GUI have been fixed.

Project Resources