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Description du projet

csvDB is an SQL engine for CSV (comma separated values) files, allowing files to be searched as if they were database tables. It includes both a library and a client, allowing it to be used programatically and from the command line.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-11-07 06:30 Retour à la liste release

Cette version implémente la chaîne de construction autotools, augmente la vitesse de chargement de fichier, implémente un shell de readline, ajoute la saisie semi-automatique de table/fichier/colonne/mot clé sur le shell, rend les changements aux structures de données en tableau et résultat, les optimisations de requête majeur, ajoute et/ou soutenir à où, implémente HAVING et élargit où à l'appui de =, par exemple, >, <, PAS, < =, et > = comparaisons.
Tags: readline, autotools, SQL
This release implements the autotools build chain, increases file loading speed, implements a readline-based shell, adds table/file/column/keyword autocompletion to the shell, makes changes to table and result data structures, major query optimizations, adds AND/OR support to WHERE, implements HAVING, and expands WHERE to support =, LIKE, >, <, NOT, <=, and >= comparisons.

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