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Description du projet

Dapper, or "Distributed and Parallel Program Execution Runtime", is a tool for taming the complexities of developing for large-scale cloud and grid computing, enabling the user to create distributed computations from the essentials: the code that will execute, along with a dataflow graph description. It supports rich execution semantics, carefree deployment, a robust control protocol, modification of the dataflow graph at runtime, and an intuitive user interface.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-11-02 09:04 Retour à la liste release

Options de ligne de commande pour le client et le serveur sont maintenant disponibles, gracieuseté de la librairie Apache Commons CLI. Le processus de cycle de vie client est désormais définie comme s'achevant lorsque le déconnecter du serveur se passe. Stem fonctionnalité génération a cessé d'être une méthode membre de OutputHandleResource d'être une méthode statique de CodeletUtilities. La classe FlowNodeFactory est utilisé en faveur de l'instanciation directe de FlowNodes. Construction de composants natifs a migré vers le CMake. L'exploitation forestière a migré vers SLF4J. Un fichier README a été ajoutée à toutes les distributions.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Command line options for the client and server are
now available, courtesy of the Apache Commons CLI
library. The client process lifecycle is now
defined as ending when a disconnect from the
server happens. Stem generation functionality has
moved from being a member method of
OutputHandleResource to being a static method of
CodeletUtilities. The FlowNodeFactory class is
used in favor of direct instantiation of
FlowNodes. Building of native components has
migrated to the CMake. Logging has migrated to
SLF4J. A README has been added to all

Project Resources