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Description du projet

GNU Image-Finding Tool (GIFT) is a Content-Based
Image Retrieval System (CBIRS). It enables Query
By Example, giving you the opportunity to receive
relevant feedback, thereby improving your query
results. The program relies entirely on the
content of the images to process queries, so there
is no need to annotate all the images before
querying the collection.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-05-25 10:10

Cette version digère très grandes collections.
This version digests very large collections.

2003-04-04 01:22

L'internationalisation a été améliorée, en éliminant les problèmes avec les accents dans les fichiers indexés. Maintenant expat est nécessaire pour exécuter CADEAU. Les parties exigent Perl XML:: XQL et Text:: iconv. Ce communiqué n'est pas encore BSD-prêt.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Internationalization was improved, eliminating problems with umlauts in indexed files. Now expat is required to run GIFT. The Perl parts require XML::XQL and Text::Iconv. This release is not yet BSD-ready.

2002-03-09 11:48

Quelques nettoyages exception, mesures en vue de l'authentification des utilisateurs (serveur à l'aide de prises multiples), et corrections de quelques bogues avec le fabriquer la cible dist ont été ajoutés. Cadeau devrait compiler sans peaufinage sur gcc 3.0.2.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Some exception cleanups, steps towards user authentication (server using multiple sockets), and fixes for some bugs with the make dist target were added. GIFT should compile without tweaking on gcc 3.0.2.

2001-09-28 17:55

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources