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Description du projet

The Prelude Library (libprelude) is the glue that
binds all aspects of Prelude together. Prelude is
a hybrid Intrusion Detection framework
implementing an open communication layer for use
by any security application. libprelude is a
library that enables Prelude components to
communicate with the Prelude concentrator. It also
makes it easy for third party software to be made
'Prelude Aware' (able to communicate with Prelude
components). It provides common, useful features
used by every sensor.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-08-06 01:20 Retour à la liste release

EasyBindings ont été inclus. EasyBindings fournir simple C + +, Python, Perl, Ruby et Lua bindings pour utiliser libprelude. AC helper API a été ajoutée. Une régression 0.9.18 (une alerte vide créé avec CreateTime) a été fixée. Le compte de référence a été appliquée pour la IDMEF-critères et prélude connexion API. Coulée automatique se fait lors de la fixation d'une valeur IDMEF à un champ qui est de type différent; jusqu'à présent, si un utilisateur a essayé de définir un chemin d'un type spécifique d'un objet idmef_value_t contenant un autre type, idmef_path_set () renvoie une erreur. Divers bogues ont été corrigés.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
EasyBindings have been included. EasyBindings
provide simple C++, Python, Perl, Ruby, and Lua
bindings for using libprelude. A C API helper was
added. A 0.9.18 regression (an alert created with
empty CreateTime) was fixed. Reference counting
was implemented for the idmef-criteria and
prelude-connection API. Automatic casting is done
when setting an IDMEF Value to a field that is of
different type; until now, if a user tried to set
a path of a specific type with an idmef_value_t
object containing another type, idmef_path_set()
would return an error. Various bugs were fixed.

Project Resources