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Description du projet

Magnolia is a CMS which delivers smartphone simplicity on an enterprise scale. The mobile-inspired HTML5 user interface works through customisable, task-focused Apps, a notification stream called the Pulse, and a system of Favorites for quickly accessing the workspace. Magnolia allows organizations to orchestrate online services, sales, and marketing across all digital channels, maximizing the impact of every touchpoint. Magnolia’s Open Source technology, support of open standards such as CMIS and JCR, and integration with the Spring Framework enable developers to unlock backend systems and third-party applications. Magnolia is used in more than 100 countries across the world by governments and leading FORTUNE 500 enterprises.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-12-02 00:18 Retour à la liste release

Cette version arrive avec un certain nombre de caractéristiques conçues pour améliorer la création de contenu équipe entraînée. Il permet aux équipes de rédaction pour voir qui d'autre travaille simultanément sur la même page, tout en permettant aux auteurs de comparer les versions de page et les changements d'examen. Pour avoir le plein contrôle en cas de restructuration des sites Web, Magnolia 4.4 permet également de restaurer des pages marqué comme supprimé, ou créer des workflows personnalisés pour les approbations suppression.
This release comes with a number of features designed to enhance team-driven content creation. It allows editorial teams to see who else is working simultaneously on the same page, while also allowing authors to compare page versions and review changes. To have full control when restructuring Web sites, Magnolia 4.4 also makes it possible to restore pages marked as deleted, or create custom workflows for deletion approvals.

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