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Description du projet

Makeflow is a workflow engine for executing large complex applications on clusters, clouds, and grids. It can be used to drive several different distributed computing systems, including Condor, SGE, and the included Work Queue system. It does not require a distributed filesystem, so you can use it to harness whatever collection of machines you have available. It is typically used for scaling up data-intensive scientific applications to hundreds or thousands of cores.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-02-24 07:32 Retour à la liste release

File maintenant chaîne d'interpolation sur les fichiers d'entrée de la tâche. Actuellement, seul le $OS et $ARCH variables sont remplacés. File a un nouveau work_queue_name API pour obtenir le nom du projet. Un débordement de mémoire tampon a été corrigé dans certaines expressions régulières. File gère maintenant gracieusement les travailleurs de plus de 1024 en passant de sélectionner pour l'interrogation. Exemples d'applications Makeflow de bioinformatique de BLAST. Une question où les Makeflow allaient planter avec des commandes très longues a été corrigée.
WorkQueue now does string interpolation on task input files. Currently, only the $OS and $ARCH variables are replaced. WorkQueue has a new work_queue_name API to get the project name. A buffer overflow has been corrected in some regular expressions. WorkQueue now gracefully handles more than 1024 workers by moving from select to poll. Example Bioinformatics Makeflow applications for BLAST. An issue where Makeflow would crash with very long
commands has been corrected.

Project Resources