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Description du projet

Makeflow is a workflow engine for executing large complex applications on clusters, clouds, and grids. It can be used to drive several different distributed computing systems, including Condor, SGE, and the included Work Queue system. It does not require a distributed filesystem, so you can use it to harness whatever collection of machines you have available. It is typically used for scaling up data-intensive scientific applications to hundreds or thousands of cores.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-12 22:46 Retour à la liste release

Dans la file, des erreurs de mémoire qui conduisent à une erreur de segmentation, les conditions de course dans le traitement du signal pour les travailleurs et une manipulation incorrecte de l'option - C, où un travailleur n'aurait pas utiliser le même serveur de catalogue comme work_queue_pool ont été corrigées. Tâches ont maintenant un groupe de processus unique bien tuer tous les enfants de tâche sur abandon. Codes d'échappement telles qu'et sont maintenant correctement interprété dans les fichiers Makeflow.
Tags: bug, bugfix, Release, Stable
In WorkQueue, memory errors that lead to a SEGFAULT, race conditions in signal handling for workers, and incorrect handling of the -C option where a worker would not use the same catalog server as work_queue_pool were corrected. Tasks now have a unique process group to properly kill all task children on abort. Escape codes such as \n and \t are now properly interpreted in Makeflow files.

Project Resources