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Description du projet

Nimda Notifyer is a Perl script that will automatically send the netblock
coordinator an email each time a specific URL is requested. This is meant to
pressure system administrators who either don't care about the scanning, or
those who are unaware. The default email lists 3 URLs in the email where more
information can be found, and even greets recipients with their names (if
listed properly in the netblock information).

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-10-06 05:26

Soutien aux délégations APNIC, corrigé syntaxe pour gmtime () pour éliminer les avertissements, un X-Mailer: en-tête dans les emails, et un correctif pour omission du nom du propriétaire NETBLK quand il ne contient pas une virgule.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Support for APNIC delegations, corrected syntax for gmtime() to eliminate warnings, an X-Mailer: header in emails, and a fix for omission of netblk owner's name when it didn't contain a comma.

2001-09-22 11:13

Ajout d'un mode de débogage, correction d'un problème majeur avec les délégations sous ARIN (ils étaient ignorés), a ajouté la possibilité de soumettre à un IP-Nimda registre des hôtes infectés, ajouté timestamp envoyer lettre et une documentation améliorée dans la section de configuration.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Added a debug mode, fixed major problem with ARIN sub delegations (they were being ignored), added ability to submit IPs to a Nimda-Registry of infected hosts, added timestamp to email letter, and improved documentation in configuration section.

2001-09-21 10:51

Version initiale.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
Initial release.

Project Resources