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Description du projet

relax is a program designed for the study of the dynamics of proteins and other macromolecules though the analysis of experimental NMR data. It supports exponential curve fitting for the calculation of the R1 and R2 relaxation rates, calculation of the NOE, reduced spectral density mapping, the Lipari and Szabo model-free analysis, study of domain motions via the N-state model (or ensemble analysis) and frame order dynamics theories using anisotropic NMR parameters such as RDCs and PCSs, the investigation of stereochemistry in dynamic ensembles, and the analysis of relaxation dispersion.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-01-29 07:37 Retour à la liste release

Il s'agit d'une version majeure de fonctionnalité et de correction qui marque l'achèvement de la mise en œuvre de l'analyse du modèle N-État. Le modèle N-état permet aux structures simples ou des ensembles de structures statiques pour être analysées et comparées à l'aide des couplages dipolaires résiduels (CDR), des mouvements pseudo-contact (SCP) et des contraintes de distance par l'intermédiaire de réseaux d'excellence. En plus des tenseurs d'alignement, les populations ou les probabilités de chaque État peuvent être optimisées, ainsi que la position du centre paramagnétique lors de la SCP est utilisés.
Tags: major feature release, Major bugfixes
This is a major feature and bugfix release that marks the completion of the N-state model analysis implementation. The N-state model allows single structures or ensembles of static structures to be analyzed and compared using residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), pseudo-contact shifts (PCSs), and distance restraints via NOEs. In addition to alignment tensors, the populations or probabilities of each state can be optimized, as well as the position of the paramagnetic center when PCSs are used.

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