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Description du projet

Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) is a framework and set of services for supporting system-level performance monitoring and performance management. It provides a unifying abstraction for all of the interesting performance data in a system, and allows client applications to easily retrieve and process any subset of that data using a single API. A client-server architecture allows multiple clients to monitor the same host, and a single client to monitor multiple hosts. Archive logging and replay are integrated so that a client application can use the same API to process real-time data from a host or historical data from an archive.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-04-02 08:19

Cette version comporte de nombreuses mesures nouvelles (par exemple à l'appui libgtop) et corrections de bugs.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release features many new metrics (e.g. to support libgtop) and bugfixes.

2001-12-11 11:19

Cette version comporte de nombreuses corrections de bugs, les mesures nouvelles, et les agents PMDA.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release features numerous bugfixes, new metrics, and PMDA agents.

2001-06-21 10:59

Tags: Major security fixes

2001-05-31 09:51

Le présent communiqué comprend cinq nouveaux agents de PCP et de bibliothèques associées de l'exécution, de nombreux paramètres nouveaux, nombreux et importants construire et corrections de bugs (en particulier pour IA64), et un grand nombre de petits changements comme la IRIX OpenSource et des arbres ont été fusionnés et réconciliée.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release includes five new PCP agents and
associated runtime libraries, many new metrics,
numerous important build and bugfixes
(particularly for IA64), and a large number of
small changes as the IRIX and OpenSource trees
were merged and reconciled.

2001-01-30 15:13

Ajustements de tolérer l'emplacement du fichier de SuSE magie (différente de Redhat) et le manque de chkconfig sur SuSE, la migration de toutes les utilisations __clone à pthreads pour améliorer la portabilité (en particulier pour IA64), le support pour les stats de disque RAID et des noms de style devfs disque SCSI, XFS nouvelles métriques extraites de / proc / fs / xfs / stat, NFS (version 3) des métriques, et l'utilisation des en-Wall CFLAGS.
Adjustments to tolerate SuSE's location of magic file (different than Redhat's) and the lack of chkconfig on SuSE, migration of all __clone use to pthreads to improve portability (especially to IA64), support for RAID disk stats and devfs-style SCSI disk names, new XFS metrics extracted from /proc/fs/xfs/stat, NFS (version 3) metrics, and use of -Wall in CFLAGS.

Project Resources