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Description du projet

PhysicsFS is a library to provide abstract access to
various archives. The programmer defines a "write
directory" on the physical filesystem. No file writing
done through the PhysicsFS API can leave that
write directory, for security. For file reading, the
programmer lists directories and archives that form
a "search path". Once the search path is defined, it
becomes a single, transparent, hierarchical
filesystem. This makes for easy access to ZIP files
in the same way as you access a file directly on
the disk, and it makes it easy to ship a new archive
that will override a previous archive on a per-file
basis. Symbolic links can be disabled, for added
safety. Finally, PhysicsFS gives you a platform-
abstracted means to determine if CD-ROMs are
available, the user's home directory, where in the
real filesystem your program is running, etc.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-03-26 05:55

Cette version apporte plusieurs corrections et améliorations mineures.
Tags: stable minor bug fixes
This release adds several minor fixes and improvements.

2009-03-24 06:14

Ce communiqué commence la branche stable de nouvelles PhysicsFS. Il ya plusieurs fonctionnalités intéressantes, plus la dose de 1,0 rejets qui sont trop nombreuses pour être énumérées ici. Tous les développeurs sont encouragés à mettre à niveau, reste que 2.0 rétrocompatible avec les versions précédentes.
Tags: Stable (2.0.x)
This release begins the new stable branch for PhysicsFS. There are several compelling features over the 1.0 releases that are too numerous to list here. All developers are encouraged to upgrade, as 2.0 remains backwards-compatible with previous releases.

2009-03-24 06:14

Cette version finale sur recueille bugfixes 1.0.1, et sera la version finale de la branche stable 1.0, comme il est rendu obsolète par la branche 2.0.
Tags: Stable, Bugfixes
This version collects final bugfixes over 1.0.1, and will be the final release from the stable 1.0 branch, as it is obsoleted by the 2.0 branch.

2007-04-03 08:52

Le système de construction a été changé pour CMake. 7zip ont été ajoutées. La bibliothèque a été faite Unicode propre et réentrant. Support des liens symboliques a été ajouté pour Windows Vista, Linux, BeOS, OS / 2, et Mac OS X support a été amélioré, et Mac OS classic support a été abandonné. De nombreuses autres corrections et améliorations ont été apportées.
Tags: Development, Minor feature enhancements
The build system was changed to CMake. 7zip support was added. The library was made Unicode-clean and reentrant. Symbolic link support was added for Windows Vista, Linux, BeOS, OS/2, and Mac OS X support was improved, and Mac OS classic support was dropped. Many other fixes and improvements were made.

2005-07-24 10:04

Tags: Development, Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources