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Description du projet

Py Connect Four is an implementation of the classic, two-player, Connect Four
game. Each player has a color, either black or red, and they take turns putting
their pieces in. The first player with four pieces in a row at any angle wins
the round. It is completely written in Python, and uses the PyGame library with
the SDL library.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-06-24 23:48
1.7b 0.0.9b

F12 prend un instantané à tout moment pendant le jeu, affiche "instantané pris", et utilise de nommage instantané irremplaçable. Font de chargement a été globalisé et dynamisé. Les polices sont réduite à la taille en place (la bibliothèque SDL TTF a changé depuis pygame 1.2). Encore une fois le jeu et les menus évasion ont été nettoyées. Un menu inutilisés a été supprimée.
Tags: Beta, Major feature enhancements
F12 takes a snapshot at any time during the game, prints "Snapshot Taken", and uses unrepeatable snapshot naming. Font loading has been globalized and made dynamic. Fonts are shrunk to fit in place (the SDL TTF library has changed since pygame 1.2). The Play Again and Escape menus have been cleaned up. An unused menu has been removed.

2002-08-07 04:45
1.ab 0.0.8 src

Modification du conseil d'administration de 7x7 à 7x6, certaines améliorations de la taille du texte, et un nouveau menu Démarrer.
Tags: Beta, Minor feature enhancements
Changing the board from 7x7 to 7x6, some text size enhancements, and a new start menu.

2002-03-22 01:04

Texte fixe d'entrée, et de nouvelles options de ligne de commande.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
Text input fixes, and new commandline options.

Project Resources