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Description du projet

Quick Album is a Kylix-based Wizard which takes you through the steps
required to generate your own static Web pages with your photos. It
is ideal for cases in which you do not have access to SQL or SSI. It
will generate both high-bandwidth and low-bandwidth pages. It will
scale, rotate, and convert all your images using a simple GUI which
requires no expert knowledge to use.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-06-19 15:43

Le pré et post comment maximal a été porté à 10k. Un bug dans lequel aucune rotation qui est fait a été fixée.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The maximum pre and post comment was increased to 10k. A bug in which no rotation was being done was fixed.

2003-05-26 22:08

Codées en dur les répertoires ont été retirés de formes Kylix. Un bogue qui a eu lieu quand un répertoire ne contenant pas de fichiers graphiques a été sélectionné a été corrigé. Navigation pour afficher la source et des répertoires cibles démarre dans le répertoire de travail courant. L'interface graphique se souvient quels fichiers ont été sélectionné lors du chargement d'une configuration. L'interface graphique va ajouter une extension. Xml, même s'il existe déjà un.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Hard coded home directories have been removed from Kylix forms. A bug which occurred when a directory containing no graphical files was selected has been fixed. Browsing for the source and target directories starts in the current working directory. The GUI remembers which files were unselected when loading a configuration. The GUI will add an .xml extension even if there already is one.

2003-05-15 18:13

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources