Report Manager is both a print scheme designer (report) and a high-level printing (reporting) engine. The functionality is similar to some other comercial tools like Crystal Reports.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Les nouvelles fonctionnalités comprennent un serveur de rapports Web qui crée des PDF à la volée, le soutien des sections extérieures dans TeeChart pays et les enfants sous-états en cascade. Adobe PDF support de l'image, la documentation, et l'expression construire assistant ont été renforcées. Petites corrections de bugs ont été faites pour OnBeforePrint de gestion des événements. Unités de code source de la documentation a été ajoutée.
Major feature enhancements
New features include a Web report server which creates PDF on the fly, support for external sections in TeeChart, and child-cascade subreports. Adobe PDF image support, the documentation, and the expression build wizard were enhanced. Small bugfixes were made for OnBeforePrint event handling. Source code units documentation was added.