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Description du projet

The rt-stepper project provides a USB CNC controller solution. Most CNC controllers are designed to be driven with a PC parallel port. The rt-stepper solution replaces the parallel port with USB. Users can convert their existing parallel port CNC controller into a USB CNC controller. Designers can integrate the hardware into there own CNC controller. The PC side software is based on the popular EMC2 software at www.linuxcnc.org. EMC2 provides 4-axis support, a complete gcode interpreter, a trajectory planner, a GUI front-end, backplotting, and more. The best part of the solution is since the rt-stepper hardware provides the real time step pulses, you can now run EMC2 on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-26 03:02

Version initiale basée sur EMC2. Fournit 4-axe de support, un interprète gcode complet, un planificateur de trajectoire, GUI front-end, backplotting, et plus encore.
Initial release based on EMC2. Provides 4-axis support, a complete gcode interpreter, a trajectory planner, GUI front-end, backplotting, and more.

2010-04-22 14:07

support circulaire de fraisage horizontale a été ajouté avec le G17, G18, G19 et les commandes gcode. Le logiciel a été reconfiguré en deux volets: programme d'application et une bibliothèque. Le programme d'applicaton est l'interprète gcode, qui appelle la bibliothèque pour passer toutes les commandes CNC. La bibliothèque gère tous les dongle USB spécifique pour les IO de base se déplace linéaires et circulaires. Maintenant, les développeurs tiers pourront intégrer le dongle RT-stepper dans leur propre application CNC.
Circular horizontal milling support was added with the G17, G18, and G19 gcode commands. The software was reconfigured into two components: application program and library. The applicaton program is the gcode interpreter, which calls the library for all CNC move commands. The library handles all the dongle specific USB IO for basic linear and circular moves. Now third-party developers can integrate the rt-stepper dongle into their own CNC application.

2010-01-03 22:31

Un thread nouveau contrôle a été ajouté à la transformation input0. Le nouveau thread prend en charge les commutateurs de limite. Ajout du support pour Windows 7 en utilisant winusb.dll de Microsoft.
A new control thread was added for INPUT0 processing. The new thread provides support for limit switches. Support was added for Windows 7 by using Microsoft's winusb.dll.

2009-07-29 21:52

Support de Windows XP a été ajouté. Les paquets Windows peut maintenant être compilé en utilisant le compilateur croisé MinGW. Syslog soutien a été déplacé vers un fichier journal local. Des améliorations ont été apportées à la file d'attente de message d'événement.
Windows XP support was added. Windows packages can now be built using the MinGW cross compiler. Syslog support was moved to a local log file. Improvements were made to the event message queue.

2009-06-20 12:07

Version initiale.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
Initial release.

Project Resources