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Description du projet

ThinWire is a development framework that allows you to easily build applications for the Web that have responsive, expressive, and interactive user interfaces without the complexity of the alternatives. While virtually any Web application can be built with ThinWire, it especially excels at enterprise applications, with its highly interactive and rich user interface components. Using ThinWire to handle the view-layer of your Java EE (J2EE) application can provide better user experience and with shorter development time.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-12-11 13:57
1.2 RC1

La licence a été changé de GPL à LGPL. RC1 inclut des fonctionnalités plus importante que toute version antérieure. Plus de 65 problèmes signalés ont été corrigés, ainsi que beaucoup d'autres qui ont été trouvés. Quelques dispositifs principaux incluent HTML-Like de texte enrichi, DateBox, DropDownDateBox, Custom DropDown, le soutien IE7, Unicode, TableLayout, glisser-déposer, bords de l'image, FX animation, image de fond, basé sur XML style global, et une bibliothèque client est optimisée et comprimé (de 180K à environ 35Ko).
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The license was changed from GPL to LGPL. RC1
includes more significant features than any prior
release. Over 65 reported issues were corrected,
as well as many more that were found. Some key
features include HTML-Like rich text, DateBox,
DropDownDateBox, Custom DropDown, IE7 support,
Unicode, TableLayout, drag and drop, image
borders, FX animation, background image, XML based
global style, and a client library that is
optimized and compressed (from 180K to about 35K).

2006-08-07 19:32
1.2 beta2

Il existe de nombreuses corrections de bugs dans cette version ainsi qu'un certain nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités: support du style 100%, Formation spécifique de la propriété Auditeurs changement (50% -80% de réduction du trafic réseau), un nouveau composant Slider, un nouveau composant ProgressBar, les composants du menu, être ajoutés aux conteneurs, un indicateur d'activité (en haut à droite), et prise en charge améliorée de Safari.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
There are numerous bugfixes in this release as well as a number of new features: 100% style support, Specifc Property Change Listeners (50%-80% network traffic reduction), a new Slider component, a new ProgressBar component, Menu components that can be added to containers, an activity indicator (upper-right corner), and improved Safari support.

2006-06-18 16:34
1.2 beta

Le présent communiqué comprend tout ce dont vous avez besoin de tester le cadre et pour commencer à développer vos applications ThinWire propres.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
This release includes everything you need to test
out the framework and to start developing your own
ThinWire applications.

Project Resources