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Description du projet

TigerEvents is a novel, Web-based event
announcement system for promoting upcoming and
ongoing events to large communities such as
university campuses, companies, or the general public.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-01-25 02:49

Ce communiqué a plusieurs corrections de bogues et améliorations. Nouveau sur ce communiqué est l'exportation de plusieurs formats de calendrier, notamment iCal, hcal, et être capable d'importer des événements dans Google Agenda.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release has several bugfixes and enhancements. New to this release is the exporting of several calendar formats, including iCal, hCal, and being able to import events into Google Calendar.

2005-11-21 01:46

Cette version corrige un certain nombre de problèmes, nettoie certains de l'interface légèrement, et ajoute plus d'aide des utilisateurs.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes a number of problems, cleans up some of the interface slightly, and adds more user help.

2005-11-03 23:48

Ce communiqué met l'accent sur certaines améliorations à l'utilisation, ainsi que l'ajout de SGBD-support base de données indépendante et la migration de bases de données.
Tags: Code cleanup
This release focuses on some usability enhancements, as well as adding DBMS-independent database support and database migration.

2005-10-08 13:23

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources