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Description du projet

UnixODBC.pm provides Perl programs with a subset of the X/Open ODBC API for use with EasySoft's unixODBC DBMS libraries, as well as a peer to peer API for querying ODBC data sources on networked systems. In addition, it provides peer client and server scripts and configuration files, sample clients that perform ODBC queries on local and networked systems, result set output for RSS feeds, and two multi-host data managers: one that uses Apache and CGI to provide a Web browser interface, and another that uses Perl/Tk.

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-01-21 19:17

Cette version fournit des mises à jour d'installation et de configuration de MySQL et PostgreSQL récente UnixODBC drivers SGBD.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release provides updated installation and configuration for recent UnixODBC MySQL and PostgreSQL DBMS drivers.

2004-04-18 09:43

Le module RSS.pm prévoit désormais facultative extensions Syn en RSS sortie RDF.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The RSS.pm module now provides optional Syn extensions in
RSS RDF output.

2004-03-31 04:33

Cette version apporte des méthodes pour lire et écrire DSN modèles.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release adds methods to read and write DSN templates.

2004-03-24 07:20

Cette version apporte une interface orientée objet pour libodbcinst et bibliothèques de pilotes de récupérer et de propriétés serveur DBMS configurer.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release adds an object-oriented interface for libodbcinst and driver libraries to retrieve and configure DBMS server properties.

2004-03-14 08:14

Cette version supporte maintenant le noyau RDF 1.0 Protocole et fournit une amélioration mais elle est incompatible RSS.pm méthode de l'objet pour des informations colonnaire.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release now supports the core RDF 1.0 protocol and
provides an improved but incompatible RSS.pm object method
for columnar information.

Project Resources