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Description du projet

A VeniVidiVoti Library is a web site where a community of persons can democratically write texts of (m)any type(s): constitution, book of laws, novel, newspaper, petition, specifications, rules, poem, etc. The principles are the most democratic possible, directly linking the power of a library to the number and quality of persons actively collaborating. It is in fact an attempt at a political system combining representative and participative democracies. Internationalisation of every text element can also be done collaboratively.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-02-23 06:16

Cette version comporte une restructuration complète autour de Cocoon et une session EJB design pattern Facade. Il ya aussi un nouveau design (fond blanc), et le passage à JBoss 3.2 et JDK1.4. Les délégations et les propositions ne fonctionnent pas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release features a complete restructuring around Cocoon and a session EJB Facade design pattern. There is also a new design (white background), and passage to JBoss 3.2 and JDK1.4. The delegations and propositions are not working.

2001-06-05 17:51

Spécifications réécrit. Utilise désormais JBoss 2.2. Nouvelle tartan noir modèle, et des corrections de bug.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Specifications rewritten. Now uses JBoss 2.2. New dark tartan template, and bug fixes.

2001-02-10 23:06

Acyclique délégations, remplaçable par choix ou d'autres délégations.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Acyclic delegations, overridable by choices or other delegations.

2001-01-30 15:14

Oui / non choix sont maintenant associées à chaque élément pour permettre de voter. Un script shell d'installation a été ajoutée. Les messages sont maintenant filetés et imbriquées.
Yes/no choices are now associated with every element to allow voting. An installation shell script has been added. Messages are now threaded and nested.

2001-01-30 15:14

Dans cette version, les utilisateurs peuvent proposer des éléments. L'installation a été rendue plus facile.
In this version, users can propose elements. Installation has been made easier.

Project Resources