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Description du projet

WebPBC (Project Budget Consolidator) is a Web-based application that enables small- to medium-sized companies to do budget consolidation on their projects. It is especially suitable for companies that coordinate projects that are geographically distributed. The Web-based interface allows managers, accountants, and organizers from anywhere in the world to access, update, and consolidate budget data stored on a central server.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-09-29 23:40 Retour à la liste release

Une page pour afficher les journaux changement pour le noeud courant a été ajoutée. Cartographie des comptes a été rendue plus flexible avec la capacité de comptes associés à des nœuds spécifiques. Le concept de consolidation exclusive a été introduite pour éviter que trop de charge sur le serveur. Divers bugs mineurs ont été corrigés, et les performances de certains goulots d'étranglement a été améliorée.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
A page to view change logs for the current node has been added. Mapping of accounts has been made more flexible with the ability to associate accounts to specific nodes. The concept of exclusive consolidation has been introduced to prevent too much load on the server. Various minor bugs have been fixed, and performance of some bottlenecks has been improved.

Project Resources