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Description du projet

Wt is a C++ library for developing Web applications with an API that is widget-centric and inspired by existing C++ graphical user interface APIs. To the developer, it offers abstraction of Web-specific implementation details, increasing the accessibility and portability. Under the hood, the library uses the latest techniques (HTML5, Ajax, WebSockets) to handle user events and update the Web page.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-11-30 07:07 Retour à la liste release

Plusieurs nouveaux modules ont été ajoutés : l'authentification (avec l'appui des services d'identité de tiers utilisant OAuth 2.0), un client HTTP (S), un client SMTP et une bibliothèque JSON. Support du protocole WebSockets a été élargie pour inclure toutes les versions du protocole jusqu'à la dernière version. Un backend Firebird a été ajouté pour Wt::Dbo. Il y a une nouvelle infrastructure de journalisation, relecture de fichier configuration vivant et nouvelle d'atténuation de déni de Service et autres mesures de sécurité.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Several new modules were added: authentication (with support for third party identity services using OAuth 2.0), an HTTP(S) client, an SMTP client, and a JSON library. WebSockets protocol support was expanded to include all protocol versions up to the latest draft. A Firebird backend was added for Wt::Dbo. There is a new logging infrastructure, live configuration file rereading, and new Denial-of-Service mitigation and other security measures.

Project Resources