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Description du projet

Zebra_Dialog is a small, compact, and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery, meant to replace JavaScript's "alert" and "confirmation" dialog boxes. It is contained in one JavaScript file that is 4KB minified, with no dependencies other than jQuery 1.5.2 or later. It can also be used as a notification widget for updates or errors, without distracting users from their browser experience by displaying obtrusive alerts. It features five types of available dialog boxes: confirmation, information, warning, error, and question. Its appearance is easily customizable by changing the CSS file. Modal or non-modal dialog boxes can be created. Custom buttons can be easily added. The dialog box can be positioned wherever you want, not just in the middle of the screen. Callback functions can be used to handle the user's choices. It works in all major browsers, including Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 6+.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-10-15 17:37

Un bug où le script serait parfois « oublier » pour effacer la superposition semi-transparent a été fixé.
A bug where the script would sometimes "forget" to clear the semi-transparent overlay was fixed.

2011-08-18 18:59

Un bug où la couleur du texte du message a été hérité plutôt que d'être mis dans le fichier CSS a été fixé. Le dernier bouton de la boîte de dialogue reçoit maintenant se concentrer une fois la boîte de dialogue est ouverte. Auparavant, pour les boîtes de dialogue autres que les notifications, si l'utilisateur appuyait sur la touche Entrée, l'événement a été ré-enclenché et les boîtes de dialogue ont été montrés plus sur le dessus de l'autre. Il est maintenant possible d'ajouter une classe personnalisée pour la boîte de dialogue, ce qui rend facile de passer entre les styles à l'exécution. Les exemples sont désormais également disponibles dans le package téléchargé.
A bug where the message's text color was inherited rather than being set from the CSS file was fixed. The last button of the dialog box now receives focus once the dialog box is open. Previously, for any dialog boxes other than notifications, if the user pressed the Enter key, the event was re-triggered and more dialog boxes were shown on top of another. It is now possible to add a custom class to the dialog box, making it easy to switch between styles at run-time. Examples are now also available in the downloaded package.

Project Resources