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Description du projet

The project has moved to SourceForge and is distributing version 3.0, a Debian-based rewrite of the build script from scratch, under the 3-clause BSD license.


Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2022-08-13 10:30
2.x Barracuda 2.0 Barracuda August 2022 (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release

Hi, I'm Jin.

As a result of the development delay, Barracuda had to release it in August. It is quite matured and delicious.
So, when I read the release notes for Lubuntu, it said, "Fcitx, Trojita, and K3b are not included." For me, not including Fcitx is troublesome, so I included it with this OS.

Mainstream support is from 08/13/2022 to 30/04/2022, and extended support is from 01/05/2022 to 30/04/2027.

Take care of my younger sister, Univa, too. https://osdn.net/projects/univalentgnulinux/releases/77631/




妹の一価も宜しくね。 https://osdn.net/projects/univalentgnulinux/releases/77631/


Main applications

LXQt - Desktop environment. Please also read the change history of the LXQt official website https://lxqt-project.org/release/2021/04/16/lxqt-0-17-0/.
Qt 5.15.3
Chromium - Web Browser
LibreOffice - Office software
Featherpad - Notepad
Plasma-Discover - Software Center
Systemback - Recovery disk creating tool
Wine - MS-Win compatibility layer
Fcitx5 - IM Manager
Fcitx5 Mozc - Japanese IME

Notes on upgrading from 1.0

The original Lubuntu 22.04 does not include "Trojita", "K3b", and "Fcitx", so it will be erased during the upgrade. This can be avoided by executing the following command.
sudo apt-mark manual fcitx
sudo apt-mark manual trojita
sudo apt-mark manual k3b


LXQt 0.17.0 - デスクトップ環境。LXQt公式サイトの変更履歴 https://lxqt-project.org/release/2021/04/16/lxqt-0-17-0/も読んでね。
Qt 5.15.3
Chromium -ウェブブラウザ
LibreOffice - オフィスソフト
Featherpad - メモ帳
Plasma-Discover - ソフトウェアセンター
PinguyBuilder- 回復ディスク作成
Wine - MS-Win互換レイヤー
Fcitx5 - 入力メソッド管理
Fcitx5-Mozc - 日本語IME


本家Lubuntu 22.04は「Trojita」「K3b」「Fcitx」を同梱しないため、アップグレードの際に消されてしまいます。以下のコマンドを実行して回避が可能です。
sudo apt-mark manual fcitx
sudo apt-mark manual trojita
sudo apt-mark manual k3b