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Description du projet

Molby is a software for building molecular models on the graphic screen. It works on Mac OS X and Windows. It can import and export files for other computational chemistry softwares such as GAMESS and Gaussian. It can also edit molecules by Ruby scripts.

This project is moved to GitHub. Updates are only available on GitHub.

GitHub Project Page: https://github.com/toshinagata/Molby

Molby Homepage: https://toshinagata.github.io/Molby/en/

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2010-04-25 18:07
molby 0.5.3 (3 files Cacher)

Notes de release

Fix the problem in the Mac version in which the hidden top-level window gets sometimes visible in the Window menu. Bugs in the list control were (hopefully) fixed.

フレームごとに可変な単位格子を設定可能。パラメータテーブルのコピー/カット/ペーストを改善。Mac 版で、隠れウィンドウの "Molby" がときどき Window メニューに現れる不具合を修正。テーブルの編集時の不具合(Windows はクラッシュ、Mac はテキストフィールドが残ってしまう)の修正。


- Mac: the text field in the list control remained on the screen even after the window is inactivated; fixed.
- Win: the text field in the list control often led to crash; (hopefully) fixed.
- Work around the wxWidgets bug where wxDocument::Close() is called twice.
- Fix the problem in the Mac version in which the hidden top-level window gets sometimes visible in the Window menu.
- Improved handling of copy/cut/paste in the parameter table (but still very unsatisfactory)
- Experimental command-line tool for Mac platform.
- The MM/MD engine was not aware of modification of coordinates via Ruby scripts. Fixed.
- Frames can now have variable unit cell parameters.

- Mac: the text field in the list control remained on the screen even after the window is inactivated; fixed.
- Win: the text field in the list control often led to crash; (hopefully) fixed.
- Work around the wxWidgets bug where wxDocument::Close() is called twice.
- Fix the problem in the Mac version in which the hidden top-level window gets sometimes visible in the Window menu.
- Improved handling of copy/cut/paste in the parameter table (but still very unsatisfactory)
- Experimental command-line tool for Mac platform.
- The MM/MD engine was not aware of modification of coordinates via Ruby scripts. Fixed.
- Frames can now have variable unit cell parameters.