Forums: Discussion-Ouverte (Thread #48766)

Exchange Online Migration (2023-03-08 18:36 by peter_groft #94462)

OFFICE 365 supports various methods to migrate email, calendar, and contact data from your existing messaging environment to Office 365 as described in Ways to migrate multiple email accounts to Office 365. There are three types of Office 365 email migrations which can be made up of an Exchange Server:

Cutover Migration – sends everything at once. Use cutover migration if you intend to move your entire email organization to Office 365 and manage user accounts in Office 365. The mail contacts and distribution groups in your on-premises Exchange organization also are migrated. This is for users running Exchange 2003, Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010, or Exchange 2013 with less than 2,000 mailboxes.
Staged Migration – a steady migration for Exchange Server 2003 and 2007 users. Use staged migration if you plan to eventually migrate all your organization’s mailboxes to Office 365. With this migration method, mailboxes are moved in batches over a period of time. Users who have mailboxes in Office 365 can send and receive emails from on-premises users, and vice-versa. This process requires on-premises synchronization and other technical tweaks to make the migration run smoothly.
Hybrid Migration – uses an integrated Exchange Server and Office 365 environment. Hybrid migration is the migration process that enables on-premises mailboxes to be on-site or an approach to ensure Exchange to Office 365 migration and vice-versa. This functionality facilitates the synchronization and management of user accounts for both environments. This type of migration is for Exchange 2010, 2013, and 2016 users.

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