ok dump-all Environ = 0xFC00008 names = 0xFC4A880 root = 0xFC53F08 aliases = 0xFC54198 options = 0xFC54268 chosen = 0xFC547C0 packages = 0xFC54338 currpkg = 0xFC53F08 currinst = 0x0 keyboard = 0xFDA03B8 screen = 0xFDA0300 fmem = 0xFC04B40 fbrk = 0xFC2765D sp = 0xFC043A4 (0) rsp = 0xFC045A4 (0) estk = 0x17FFF08 radix = 16 numlen = -1 numptr = 0x0 linesout = 20 outcol = 0 linesperpage = 0 scrollstep = 0 xtoks = 0xFC44B50 numxtoks = 4626 maxxtoks = 4864 tokfcodes = 0 in.type = stream in.buf = 0xFC4A770 in.len = 8 in.loc = 8 in.fspread = 0 in.fnext = 0 in.foffset = 8 in.link = 0x0 expect_len = 0 keyloc = 0 keylen = -2 no_banner = true showstack = false instance = false istokenizing = false istemp = false cursor = false fcode32 = false inalarm = false numalarms = 0 debug = 0 security = 0 got_password = false flush_output = 0 capture_buf(4096) = 0xFC49760 capture_head = 0 capture_tail = 0 iscompiling = 0 comp_state = 0 tempbrk = 0x0 tempsp = 0x0 newdef = 0x0 load = 0x0 loadargs = 0x0 loadentry = 0x0 entrypoint = 0x0 state_valid = 0 go_running = false loadsyms = 0x0 oursyms = 0x0 callback = 0x0 sym2value = 0x0 value2sym = 0x0 logo_width = 0 logo_height = 0 ipos_package = 0x0 ipos_len = 0 ipos_arg = 0x0 "" mask = 0x0 curline = 0 curcol = 0 inverse = false invscreen = false lines = 24 cols = 80 framebuf = 0x0 pixsize = 0 fg = 0 bg = 0 swidth = 0 sheight = 0 wtop = 0 wleft = 0 cwidth = 0 cheight = 0 cascent = 0 fontbytes = 0 escape = 29 font = 0x0 glyphs = 0 minchar = 0 emstate = 0 emval = none emval2 = 0 embold = 0 editbuf = 0x0 emax = 0 etop = 0 elines = 0 self = 0x0 pkgtop = 0 pkgstk[16] = 0xFC001E0: 0: 0x0 hcol = 0 hyankbuf[256] = 0xFC00224 "" history[32] = 0xFC00324: 0: dump-all 1: dump-all 2: dump 3: sifting dump 4: .sifting dump 5: ls failsafe 6: ls fcodes[4096] = 0xFC003A4 stack[128] = 0xFC043A4 rstack[64] = 0xFC045A4 estack[64] = 0xFC046A4 alarms[16] = 0xFC047A8 keybuf[256] = 0xFC04928 " " numbuf[256] = 0xFC04A28 "" e->names: ferror func[0xFC] dup func[0x47] 2dup func[0x53] ?dup func[0x50] over func[0x48] 2over func[0x54] pick func[0x4E] tuck func[0x4C] drop func[0x46] 2drop func[0x52] nip func[0x4D] roll func[0x4F] rot func[0x4A] -rot func[0x4B] 2rot func[0x56] swap func[0x49] 2swap func[0x55] >r func[0x30] r> func[0x31] r@ func[0x32] depth func[0x51] + func[0x1E] - func[0x1F] * func[0x20] / func[0x21] mod func[0x22] /mod func[0x2A] u/mod func[0x2B] abs func[0x2D] negate func[0x2C] max func[0x2F] min func[0x2E] bounds func[0xAC] << func[0x27] lshift func[0x27] >> func[0x28] rshift func[0x28] 2* func[0x59] 2/ func[0x57] and func[0x23] or func[0x24] xor func[0x25] not func[0x26] invert func[0x26] d+ func[0xD8] d- func[0xD9] um* func[0xD4] umd/mod func[0x1000] um/mod func[0xD5] ca1+ func[0x62] char+ func[0x62] na1+ func[0x65] cell+ func[0x65] /c* func[0x66] chars func[0x66] /n* func[0x69] cells func[0x69] aligned func[0xAE] @ func[0x6D] 2@ func[0x76] c@ func[0x71] ! func[0x72] 2! func[0x77] +! func[0x6C] c! func[0x75] move func[0x78] fill func[0x79] key? func[0x8D] key func[0x8E] expect func[0x8A] span 0xFC000A0(0) variable[0x88] bl 32 constant[0xA9] emit func[0x8F] type func[0x90] cr func[0x92] count func[0x84] base 0xFC00054(16) variable[0xA0] . func[0x9D] u. func[0x9B] .r func[0x9E] u.r func[0x9C] .s func[0x9F] <# func[0x96] # func[0xC7] #s func[0xC8] #> func[0xC9] hold func[0x95] sign func[0x98] < func[0x3A] <> func[0x3D] = func[0x3C] > func[0x3B] within func[0x45] 0< func[0x36] 0<> func[0x35] 0= func[0x34] 0> func[0x38] u< func[0x40] u> func[0x3E] /c 1 constant[0x5A] /w 2 constant[0x5B] /l 4 constant[0x5C] /n func[0x5D] ca+ func[0x5E] wa+ func[0x5F] la+ func[0x60] na+ func[0x61] wa1+ func[0x63] la1+ func[0x64] /w* func[0x67] /l* func[0x68] w@ func[0x6F] func[0x97] comp func[0x7A] lbsplit func[0x7E] lwsplit func[0x7C] wbsplit func[0xAF] bljoin func[0x7F] bwjoin func[0xB0] wljoin func[0x7D] flip func[0x80] wbflip func[0x80] wflips func[0x236] wbflips func[0x236] lbflip func[0x227] lbflips func[0x228] lwflip func[0x226] lwflips func[0x237] u2/ func[0x58] between func[0x44] >= func[0x42] <= func[0x43] 0<= func[0x37] 0>= func[0x39] u<= func[0x3F] u>= func[0x41] >>a func[0x29] bell 7 constant[0xAB] bs 8 constant[0xAA] #line 0xFC00060(279) variable[0x94] #out 0xFC00064(21) variable[0x93] pack func[0x83] lcc func[0x82] upc func[0x81] true -1 constant[0xA4] false 0 constant[0xA5] -1 -1 constant[0xA4] 0 0 constant[0xA5] 1 1 constant[0xA6] 2 2 constant[0xA7] 3 3 constant[0xA8] (cr func[0x91] $number func[0xA2] digit func[0xA3] $find func[0xCB] alloc-mem func[0x8B] alloc-aligned func[0x1001] free-mem func[0x8C] eval func[0xCD] evaluate func[0xCD] execute func[0x1D] exit func[0x33] abort func[0x216] catch func[0x217] throw func[0x218] here func[0xAD] c, func[0xD0] , func[0xD3] compile, func[0xDD] state 0xFC000FC(0) variable[0xDC] >body func[0x86] body> func[0x85] noop func[0x7B] instance func[0xC0] new-token func[0xB5] named-token func[0xB6] external-token func[0xCA] b(;) immediate func[0xC2] b(:) immediate func[0xB7] b(buffer:) func[0xBD] b(constant) func[0xBA] b(create) func[0xBB] b(defer) func[0xBC] b(field) func[0xBE] b(value) func[0xB8] b(variable) func[0xB9] (is-user-word) func[0x214] get-token func[0xDA] set-token func[0xDB] b(lit) immediate func[0x10] b(') immediate func[0x11] b(string) immediate func[0x712] b(") immediate func[0x12] behavior func[0xDE] b(to) immediate func[0xC3] offset16 func[0xCC] bbranch immediate func[0x13] begin ?branch func[0x714] b?branch immediate func[0x14] begin mark func[0x701] b(resolve) immediate func[0xB2] b(loop) immediate func[0x15] b(+loop) immediate func[0x16] begin do func[0x717] b(do) immediate func[0x17] begin ?do func[0x718] b(?do) immediate func[0x18] i func[0x19] j func[0x1A] unloop func[0x89] b(leave) func[0x1B] begin case func[0x704] b(case) immediate func[0xC4] b(endcase) immediate func[0xC5] b(of) immediate func[0x1C] b(endof) immediate func[0xC6] start0 func[0xF0] start1 func[0xF1] start2 func[0xF2] start4 func[0xF3] version1 func[0xFD] end0 func[0x0] end1 func[0xFF] suspend-fcode func[0x215] byte-load func[0x23E] push-package func[0x129] pop-package func[0x12A] find-package func[0x204] open-package func[0x205] $open-package func[0x20F] close-package func[0x206] my-self 0 value[0x203] my-parent func[0x20A] ihandle>phandle func[0x20B] next-property func[0x23D] peer func[0x23C] child func[0x23B] find-method func[0x207] call-package func[0x208] $call-method func[0x20E] $call-parent func[0x209] my-address func[0x102] my-space func[0x103] my-unit func[0x20D] my-args func[0x202] left-parse-string func[0x240] parse-2int func[0x11B] map-low "my-space swap " map-in" $call-parent" forth[0x130] free-virtual func[0x105] encode-int func[0x111] encode-string func[0x114] encode-bytes func[0x115] encode-phys func[0x113] encode+ func[0x112] decode-int func[0x21B] decode-phys func[0x128] decode-string func[0x21C] property func[0x110] delete-property func[0x21E] device-name func[0x201] device-type func[0x11A] reg func[0x116] model func[0x119] get-package-property func[0x21F] get-inherited-property func[0x21D] get-my-property func[0x21A] new-device func[0x11F] finish-device func[0x127] delete-device func[0x1002] set-args func[0x23F] 3dup "2 pick 2 pick 2 pick" forth[0x1003] clear func[0x1004] 3drop "drop 2drop" forth[0x1005] u* func[0x1006] */ func[0x1007] */mod func[0x1008] 1+ "1 +" forth[0x1009] 1- "1 -" forth[0x100A] 2+ "2 +" forth[0x100B] 2- "2 -" forth[0x100C] even func[0x100D] s>d func[0x100E] m* func[0x100F] sm/rem func[0x1010] fm/mod func[0x1011] dump func[0x1012] blank "bl fill" forth[0x1013] erase "0 fill" forth[0x1014] ( immediate func[0x1015] \ immediate func[0x1016] >in 0xFC0008C(8) variable[0x1017] parse func[0x1018] parse-word func[0x1019] source func[0x101A] word func[0x101B] accept "span @ -rot expect span @ swap span !" forth[0x101C] carret immediate func[0x101D] linefeed immediate func[0x101E] ascii immediate func[0x101F] char immediate func[0x1020] [char] immediate func[0x1021] control immediate func[0x1022] ." immediate func[0x1023] .( immediate func[0x1024] space "bl emit" forth[0x1025] spaces "0 max 0 ?do bl emit loop" forth[0x1026] exit? func[0x1027] " immediate func[0x1028] s" immediate func[0x1029] -trailing func[0x102A] decimal "d# 10 base !" forth[0x102B] hex "d# 16 base !" forth[0x102C] octal "d# 8 base !" forth[0x102D] >number func[0x102E] d# immediate func[0x102F] h# immediate func[0x1030] o# immediate func[0x1031] s. "(.) type space" forth[0x1032] .d "base @ swap d# 10 base ! . base !" forth[0x1033] .h "base @ swap d# 16 base ! . base !" forth[0x1034] ? "@ ." forth[0x1035] (.) "dup abs <# u#s swap sign u#>" forth[0x1036] (u.) "<# u#s u#>" forth[0x1037] if immediate func[0x1038] else immediate func[0x1039] then immediate func[0x103A] case immediate func[0x103B] of immediate func[0x103C] endof immediate func[0x103D] endcase immediate func[0x103E] begin immediate func[0x103F] until immediate func[0x1040] again immediate func[0x1041] while immediate func[0x1042] repeat immediate func[0x1043] do immediate func[0x1044] ?do immediate func[0x1045] loop immediate func[0x1046] +loop immediate func[0x1047] leave immediate func[0x1048] ?leave "if leave then" immediate forth[0x1049] quit func[0x104A] do abort" func[0x104B] abort" immediate func[0x104C] constant immediate func[0x104D] 2constant func[0x104E] value immediate func[0x104F] variable immediate func[0x1050] buffer: immediate func[0x1051] : immediate func[0x1052] ; immediate func[0x1053] alias func[0x1054] defer immediate func[0x1055] struct immediate func[0x1056] field immediate func[0x1057] create immediate func[0x1058] does> func[0x1059] $create func[0x105A] forget func[0x105B] allot "0 max 0 ?do 0 c, loop" forth[0x105C] align func[0x105D] immediate func[0x105E] [ immediate func[0x105F] ] immediate func[0x1060] compile func[0x1061] postpone immediate func[0x1062] [compile] immediate func[0x1063] literal immediate func[0x1064] ['] immediate func[0x1065] ' immediate func[0x1066] find func[0x1067] is immediate func[0x1068] to immediate func[0x1069] recursive immediate func[0x106A] recurse immediate func[0x106B] forth func[0x106C] environment? func[0x106D] diagnostic-mode? func[0x120] diag-switch? func[0x106E] use-argv[0]? func[0x106F] boot-device func[0x1070] boot-file func[0x1071] diag-device func[0x1072] diag-file func[0x1073] boot-command func[0x1074] auto-boot? func[0x1075] auto-boot-timeout func[0x1076] setenv func[0x1077] $setenv func[0x1078] printenv func[0x1079] set-default func[0x107A] set-defaults func[0x107B] nodefault-bytes func[0x107C] nvramrc func[0x107D] use-nvramrc? func[0x107E] input-device func[0x107F] output-device func[0x1080] stdin 0xFC00034(265946040) variable[0x1081] stdout 0xFC00038(265945856) variable[0x1082] screen-#columns func[0x1083] screen-#rows func[0x1084] lines/page 0 value[0x1085] input func[0x1086] output func[0x1087] io func[0x1088] install-console func[0x1089] password func[0x108A] security-mode func[0x108B] security-password func[0x108C] security-#badlogins func[0x108D] reset func[0x108E] reset-all func[0x108F] shut-down func[0x1090] callback func[0x1091] $callback func[0x1092] sync func[0x1093] copyright func[0x1094] banner func[0x1095] suppress-banner func[0x1096] oem-logo? func[0x1097] oem-logo func[0x1098] oem-banner? func[0x1099] oem-banner func[0x109A] probe-all func[0x109B] test func[0x109C] test-all func[0x109D] secondary-diag? func[0x109E] secondary-diag func[0x109F] state-valid 0xFC00128(0) variable[0x10A0] init-program func[0x10A1] go func[0x10A2] load func[0x10A3] $load func[0x10A4] boot func[0x10A5] $boot func[0x10A6] menu func[0x10A7] set-mac-address func[0x10A8] status [xt 0x7B] defer[0x10A9] nvedit func[0x10AA] nvstore func[0x10AB] nvquit func[0x10AC] nvrecover func[0x10AD] nvrun func[0x10AE] nvalias func[0x10AF] $nvalias func[0x10B0] nvunalias func[0x10B1] $nvunalias func[0x10B2] cpeek func[0x220] wpeek func[0x221] lpeek func[0x222] cpoke func[0x223] wpoke func[0x224] lpoke func[0x225] rb@ func[0x230] rw@ func[0x232] rl@ func[0x234] rb! func[0x231] rw! func[0x233] rl! func[0x235] get-msecs func[0x125] ms func[0x126] alarm func[0x213] user-abort func[0x219] fcode-revision func[0x87] mac-address func[0x1A4] display-status func[0x121] memory-test-suite func[0x122] mask 0xFC00158(0) variable[0x124] unaligned-w@ func[0x10B3] unaligned-w! func[0x10B4] unaligned-l@ func[0x10B5] unaligned-l! func[0x10B6] code immediate func[0x10B7] label immediate func[0x10B8] c; immediate func[0x10B9] end-code immediate func[0x10BA] help func[0x10BB] ls func[0x10BC] pwd func[0x10BD] ipwd func[0x10BE] .attributes func[0x10BF] .properties func[0x10C0] .prop func[0x10C1] show-devs func[0x10C2] devalias func[0x10C3] interpose func[0x12B] find-device func[0x10C4] cd func[0x10C5] dev func[0x10C6] device-end func[0x10C7] external immediate func[0x10C8] headerless immediate func[0x10C9] headers immediate func[0x10CA] fcode-debug? func[0x10CB] open-dev func[0x10CC] close-dev func[0x10CD] begin-package func[0x10CE] end-package func[0x10CF] apply func[0x10D0] decode-bytes ">r over r@ + swap r@ - rot r>" forth[0x10D1] execute-device-method func[0x10D2] dump-env func[0x10D3] dump-all func[0x10D4] curr-pkg func[0x10D5] dump-pkg func[0x10D6] dump-inst func[0x10D7] dump-curr-pkg "curr-pkg dump-pkg" forth[0x10D8] dump-curr-inst "my-self dump-inst" forth[0x10D9] dump-chipset func[0x10DA] mem-stats func[0x10DB] dump-heap func[0x10DC] .rs func[0x10DD] .es func[0x10DE] showstack func[0x10DF] noshowstack func[0x10E0] dl func[0x10E1] dlbin func[0x10E2] .calls func[0x10E3] $sift func[0x10E4] sifting func[0x10E5] words func[0x10E6] see func[0x10E7] see-chain func[0x10E8] (see) func[0x10E9] (see-chain) func[0x10EA] patch func[0x10EB] (patch) func[0x10EC] interact func[0x10ED] debug func[0x10EE] nodebug func[0x10EF] (debug func[0x10F0] (nodebug func[0x10F1] tracing func[0x10F2] stepping func[0x10F3] trace-all func[0x10F4] step-all func[0x10F5] debug-off func[0x10F6] resume func[0x10F7] sym>value defer[0x10F8] value>sym defer[0x10F9] callback sym>value func[0x10FA] callback value>sym func[0x10FB] sym func[0x10FC] .adr func[0x10FD] search-mem func[0x10FE] ftrace func[0x10FF] clear-ftrace func[0x1100] ldump func[0x1101] fb8-install func[0x18B] fb8-draw-character func[0x180] fb8-reset-screen func[0x181] fb8-toggle-cursor func[0x182] fb8-erase-screen func[0x183] fb8-blink-screen func[0x184] fb8-invert-screen func[0x185] fb8-insert-characters func[0x186] fb8-delete-characters func[0x187] fb8-insert-lines func[0x188] fb8-delete-lines func[0x189] fb8-draw-logo func[0x18A] fb8-draw-rectangle func[0x1102] fb8-fill-rectangle func[0x1103] fb8-read-rectangle func[0x1104] vesa-info func[0x1105] vesa-find-mode func[0x1106] vesa-set-mode func[0x1107] vesa-get-mode func[0x1108] vesa-frame-buffer-adr func[0x1109] play-tone func[0x110A] $play-song func[0x110B] $list-files func[0x110C] list-files func[0x110D] write-mem-test func[0x110E] g_e func[0x110F] pci-reset func[0x1110] little-endian? func[0x1111] real-mode? func[0x1112] real-base func[0x1113] real-size func[0x1114] virt-base func[0x1115] virt-size func[0x1116] load-base func[0x1117] cpustat func[0x1118] inverse-video? inverse-video? alias[0x113A] client-ip client-ip alias[0x113B] server-ip server-ip alias[0x113C] usb-enable? usb-enable? alias[0x113D] line# 0 value[0x152] column# 0 value[0x153] inverse? 0 value[0x154] inverse-screen? 0 value[0x155] #lines 24 value[0x150] #columns 80 value[0x151] scroll-step 0 value[0x1144] draw-character defer[0x157] reset-screen defer[0x158] toggle-cursor defer[0x159] erase-screen defer[0x15A] blink-screen defer[0x15B] invert-screen defer[0x15C] insert-characters defer[0x15D] delete-characters defer[0x15E] insert-lines defer[0x15F] delete-lines defer[0x160] draw-logo defer[0x161] foreground-color func[0x168] background-color func[0x169] default-font func[0x16A] set-font func[0x16B] >font func[0x16E] frame-buffer-adr 0 value[0x162] screen-width 0 value[0x164] screen-height 0 value[0x163] window-top 0 value[0x165] window-left 0 value[0x166] char-width 0 value[0x16D] char-height 0 value[0x16C] fontbytes 0 value[0x16F] is-install func[0x11C] is-remove func[0x11D] is-selftest func[0x11E] term-escape 29 value[0x1145] term func[0x1146] inverse-video? func[0x1147] ping func[0x1158] probe-pci func[0x1186] make-properties func[0x1187] assign-addresses func[0x1188] show-pci func[0x1189] show-pci-full func[0x118A] dump-pciconfig func[0x118B] probe-isa func[0x11BE] HASH TABLE: [ 0] < 9> fontbytes dump-inst interpose ] ?leave my-unit $call-parent 0<= base [ 1] < 8> probe-pci ms nvstore decimal reg encode+ begin do 0<> [ 2] < 4> c; variable b(leave) 2dup [ 3] < 4> virt-base rw! copyright map-low [ 4] < 7> erase-screen auto-boot? endof lbflips on span key [ 5] < 4> usb-enable? linefeed wa+ 2@ [ 6] < 5> server-ip sym mem-stats delete-device >r [ 7] < 4> begin ?do /w* c@ drop [ 8] < 7> cpustat boot-command compile decode-int 0>= lbsplit or [ 9] < 6> invert-screen list-files see-chain diag-file b(string) instance [10] < 4> fb8-erase-screen literal find-package begin ?branch [11] < 5> resume begin-package close-dev suppress-banner word [12] < 8> client-ip $play-song probe-all unloop i b(value) l! 2rot [13] < 5> pop-package j offset16 b(constant) sign [14] < 3> encode-int begin mark expect [15] <13> char-width little-endian? see load test-all $callback abort" repeat clear throw flip cells /mod [16] <11> set-font rb! 2constant get-inherited-property b(endof) b(endcase) execute lwflip wflips <# u/mod [17] < 4> toggle-cursor sm/rem b(variable) noop [18] < 1> set-token [19] < 5> words boot-device encode-string umd/mod max [20] < 5> .adr again char um* abs [21] < 1> swap [22] < 8> draw-logo fb8-fill-rectangle (debug dump-env input-device nodefault-bytes buffer: */mod [23] < 7> screen-height shut-down get-package-property decode-string parse-2int l, la+ [24] < 6> is-remove tracing ipwd callback $open-package /c* [25] < 9> search-mem label init-program to .d m* b?branch behavior 2drop [26] < 4> fb8-delete-lines o# exit? my-parent [27] < 6> virt-size callback value>sym unaligned-w@ set-default while la1+ [28] < 3> vesa-info b(lit) /c [29] < 7> inverse-video? inverse-video? boot diagnostic-mode? .h octal my-self [30] < 6> step-all interact auto-boot-timeout space b(do) #line [31] < 5> load-base mask $nvalias blank (is-user-word) [32] < 4> environment? my-args wljoin count [33] < 6> secondary-diag struct do abort" erase finish-device ca1+ [34] < 6> code rw@ b( install-console leave u#> [36] < 6> ping frame-buffer-adr vesa-frame-buffer-adr fb8-reset-screen ihandle>phandle b(loop) [37] < 7> play-tone fb8-blink-screen screen-#columns set-args u<= /l ! [38] < 8> (nodebug debug $sift pwd $load " my-space bbranch [39] <10> real-mode? get-msecs field ascii $call-method named-token /n # .r 2swap [40] < 6> fb8-install (patch) dump-curr-inst #> .s cell+ [41] < 8> foreground-color sifting dump-all nvquit s" compile, << min [42] < 5> make-properties fm/mod get-my-property close-package <= [43] <10> cd help nvramrc ' free-virtual bell l@ +! [44] <12> insert-characters pci-reset fb8-insert-characters .rs output-device accept parse-word ( peer key? dup ferror [45] < 3> fcode-revision model u>= [46] < 7> (see) .properties lpoke use-argv[0]? source decode-phys * [47] < 9> fb8-draw-rectangle unaligned-l@ rb@ security-#badlogins dump child between bl + [48] < 7> reset-screen dump-curr-pkg open-package , digit /w bounds [49] < 8> inverse-screen? unaligned-l! wpoke nvrecover secondary-diag? defer delete-property - [50] < 9> real-base fb8-draw-character devalias diag-device begin exit >= u# . [51] <10> debug-off decode-bytes open-dev oem-logo? new-device b(buffer:) wbflips xor >> / [52] < 7> $boot hex s>d next-property push-package 0 wa1+ [53] < 9> noshowstack find-device alias then s. */ 1 off and [54] < 6> fb8-read-rectangle ['] 2 bs invert rot [55] <12> show-pci-full assign-addresses window-left dl +loop (u.) b(?do) b(>resolve) 3 na+ chars mod [56] <11> term $list-files end-code rl! state-valid screen-#rows ." here false w! tuck [57] < 8> is-selftest dlbin dump-pkg headers u* b(case) wbsplit cr [58] <10> column# fb8-invert-screen nodebug recurse do [char] free-mem na1+ over ?dup [59] < 5> security-password call-package start2 b(field) nip [60] < 5> .prop unaligned-w! reset endcase /l* [61] < 8> probe-isa set-defaults allot spaces start0 b(:) new-token u. [62] <11> #lines lpeek : constant ?do .( encode-phys start1 b(") pack bljoin [63] <10> vesa-set-mode ftrace dump-heap nvunalias status ; device-name state abort roll [64] < 6> term-escape patch diag-switch? recursive case < [65] <13> char-height screen-width wpeek oem-logo use-nvramrc? >in suspend-fcode start4 b(;) bwjoin = depth r> [66] < 9> insert-lines fb8-toggle-cursor clear-ftrace mac-address oem-banner forget 3dup b(defer) > [67] <11> .calls test boot-file [compile] immediate ? -1 w, move rshift r@ [68] < 6> #columns nvedit my-address emit @ /n* [69] < 4> background-color nvrun if type [70] < 3> cpoke go until [71] < 2> lwflips 2! [72] < 8> ldump curr-pkg reset-all find align -trailing lbflip fill [73] < 8> is-install >font display-status encode-bytes b(of) >body ca+ c! [74] < 7> line# write-mem-test fb8-insert-lines printenv begin case true >>a [75] < 4> set-mac-address eval lwsplit u< [76] < 5> execute-device-method stdin body> um/mod 2over [77] < 4> vesa-get-mode else 1+ u> [78] < 3> default-font io >number [79] < 5> end-package nvalias d# 1- left-parse-string [80] <10> scroll-step vesa-find-mode stepping create b(create) u2/ aligned char+ 2* -rot [81] < 5> show-pci showstack 2+ (cr comp [82] < 5> sym>value is b(') get-token external-token [83] < 7> draw-character apply dev stdout loop 2- within [84] < 9> inverse? callback sym>value (see-chain) alarm $nvunalias setenv find-method c, wbflip [85] < 8> device-end menu oem-banner? forth control carret alloc-mem 2/ [86] < 5> dump-pciconfig window-top dump-chipset cpeek value [87] <10> rl@ security-mode (.) 3drop version1 $number lcc w@ d+ not [88] < 2> evaluate u#s [89] < 4> .es byte-load upc d- [90] <13> delete-lines real-size g_e fb8-draw-logo value>sym headerless external show-devs memory-test-suite user-abort password lines/page 0< [91] < 6> .attributes $create quit device-type b(+loop) 0= [92] < 5> blink-screen fcode-debug? sync b(to) 0> [93] < 9> banner postpone of parse even end0 #s negate pick [94] < 8> delete-characters fb8-delete-characters trace-all ls input property end1 hold [95] < 7> $setenv [ does> h# alloc-aligned $find #out [96] < 2> output \ num=643, count=643 package 0xFC53F08 /: parent=0x0 children=0xFC53FD8 link=0x0 dict=0xFC53F38: open func[0x1119] close func[0x111A] map-in func[0x111B] map-out func[0x111C] dma-alloc func[0x111D] dma-free func[0x111E] dma-map-in func[0x111F] dma-map-out func[0x1120] dma-sync func[0x1121] encode-unit func[0x1122] decode-unit func[0x1123] probe-self func[0x1124] props=0xFC53F50: name "bplan,Pegasos2" #address-cells 0x1 (1) device_type "chrp" model "Pegasos2" revision "2B" CODEGEN,vendor "bplan GmbH" CODEGEN,board "Pegasos2" CODEGEN,description "Pegasos CHRP PowerPC System" initinst: instance 0xFC53F68: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC53F08 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC53FD8 /openprom: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0xFC57CE0 link=0xFC54198 dict=0xFC54008: props=0xFC54020: name "openprom" CodeGen-copyright "SmartFirmware(tm) Copyright 1996-2001 by CodeGen, Inc. All Rights Reserved." bplan-copyright "Pegasos BIOS Extensions Copyright 2001-2003 by bplan GmbH. All Rights Reserved." SmartFirmware-version "1.2" model "Pegasos2,1.2" relative-addressing built-on 0x131CC6A (20040810) initinst: instance 0xFC54038: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC53FD8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC57CE0 /openprom/client-services: parent=0xFC53FD8 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFC57D10: test func[0x1159] test-method func[0x115A] peer func[0x115B] child func[0x115C] parent func[0x115D] instance-to-package func[0x115E] getproplen func[0x115F] getprop func[0x1160] nextprop func[0x1161] setprop func[0x1162] canon func[0x1163] finddevice func[0x1164] instance-to-path func[0x1165] instance-to-interposed-path func[0x1166] package-to-path func[0x1167] call-static-method func[0x1168] call-method func[0x1169] open func[0x116A] close func[0x116B] read func[0x116C] write func[0x116D] seek func[0x116E] quiesce func[0x116F] claim func[0x1170] release func[0x1171] boot func[0x1172] enter func[0x1173] exit func[0x1174] chain func[0x1175] restart func[0x1176] interpret func[0x1177] set-callback func[0x1178] set-symbol-lookup func[0x1179] milliseconds func[0x117A] props=0xFC57D28: name "client-services" initinst: instance 0xFC57D40: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC57CE0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC54198 /aliases: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0x0 link=0xFC54268 dict=0xFC541C8: props=0xFC541E0: name "aliases" eth "/pci@80000000/ethernet@D" geth "/ethernet/port1" ide "/pci@80000000/ide@C,1/disk@0,0" hd "/pci@80000000/ide@C,1/disk@0,0" ide0 "/pci@80000000/ide@C,1/cdrom@1,0" cd "/pci@80000000/ide@C,1/cdrom@1,0" screen "/bootconsole" keyboard "/pci@80000000/isa@C/keyboard@i60" initinst: instance 0xFC541F8: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC54198 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC54268 /options: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0x0 link=0xFC54338 dict=0xFC54298: props=0xFC542B0: name "options" security-password "" security-#badlogins "" security-mode "" fcode-debug? "false" load-base "0x20000" virt-size "-1" virt-base "-1" real-size "0x00400000" real-base "0x00000000" real-mode? "true" little-endian? "false" inverse-video? "true" oem-banner "This space for rent." oem-banner? "false" oem-logo? "false" screen-#rows "24" screen-#columns "80" output-device "screen" input-device "keyboard" use-nvramrc? "true" nvramrc "devalias eth /pci@80000000/ethernet@D devalias geth /ethernet/port1 probe-all install-console " /pci/isa/serial:9600" io banner " client-ip "" server-ip "" secondary-diag? "false" use-argv[0]? "false" usb-enable? "true" diag-switch? "false" diag-file "diag" diag-device "net" boot-device "geth" boot-file "ofwboot" boot-command "boot" auto-boot-timeout "5000" auto-boot? "false" initinst: instance 0xFC542C8: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC54268 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC54338 /packages: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0xFC56B40 link=0xFC547C0 dict=0xFC54368: props=0xFC54380: name "packages" initinst: instance 0xFC54398: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC54338 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC56B40 /packages/terminal-emulator: parent=0xFC54338 children=0x0 link=0xFC57630 dict=0xFC56B70: props=0xFC56B88: name "terminal-emulator" iso6429-1983-colors "" initinst: instance 0xFC56BA0: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC56B40 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC57630 /packages/deblocker: parent=0xFC54338 children=0x0 link=0xFC57840 dict=0xFC57660: open func[0x1148] close func[0x1149] read func[0x114A] write func[0x114B] seek func[0x114C] props=0xFC57678: name "deblocker" initinst: instance 0xFC57690: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC57630 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC57840 /packages/disk-label: parent=0xFC54338 children=0x0 link=0xFC57AD0 dict=0xFC57870: open func[0x114D] close func[0x114E] load func[0x114F] offset func[0x1150] size func[0x1151] #blocks func[0x1152] filesize func[0x1153] props=0xFC57888: name "disk-label" initinst: instance 0xFC578A0: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC57840 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC57AD0 /packages/obp-tftp: parent=0xFC54338 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFC57B00: open func[0x1154] close func[0x1155] load func[0x1156] ping func[0x1157] props=0xFC57B18: name "obp-tftp" initinst: instance 0xFC57B30: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC57AD0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC547C0 /chosen: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0x0 link=0xFC54A00 dict=0xFC547F0: open func[0x1125] close func[0x1126] props=0xFC54808: name "chosen" stdin 0xFDA03B8 (265946040) stdout 0xFDA0300 (265945856) bootpath "" bootargs "" memory 0xFC54D40 (264588608) mmu 0xFC55D48 (264592712) initinst: instance 0xFC54820: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC547C0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC54A00 /memory: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0x0 link=0xFC54DB0 dict=0xFC54A30: open func[0x1127] close func[0x1128] claim func[0x1129] release func[0x112A] selftest func[0x112B] props=0xFC54A48: name "memory" device_type "memory" reg 0:10000000 available 0:1000000 1800000:E400000 initinst: instance 0xFC54A60: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC54A00 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC54DB0 /cpus: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0xFC54F78 link=0xFC55DA0 dict=0xFC54DE0: open func[0x112C] close func[0x112D] props=0xFC54DF8: name "cpus" #size-cells 0x0 (0) #address-cells 0x1 (1) #cpus 0x1 (1) initinst: instance 0xFC54E10: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC54DB0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC54F78 /cpus/PowerPC,74x7: parent=0xFC54DB0 children=0xFC55738 link=0x0 dict=0xFC54FA8: open func[0x112E] close func[0x112F] selftest func[0x1130] claim func[0x1131] release func[0x1132] map func[0x1133] unmap func[0x1134] modify func[0x1135] translate func[0x1136] props=0xFC54FC0: name "PowerPC,74x7" device_type "cpu" reg
:0 cpu-version 0x80020101 (-2147352319) clock-frequency 0x3B9AC9F6 (999999990) bus-frequency 0x7F28155 (133333333) timebase-frequency 0x1FCA055 (33333333) reservation-granule-size 0x4 (4) graphics "" performance-monitor "" general-purpose "" external-control "" data-streams "" altivec "" state "running" tlb-size 0x100 (256) tlb-sets 0x2 (2) tlb-split "" d-tlb-size 0x80 (128) d-tlb-sets 0x2 (2) i-tlb-size 0x80 (128) i-tlb-sets 0x2 (2) i-cache-line-size 0x20 (32) i-cache-block-size 0x20 (32) i-cache-size 0x8000 (32768) i-cache-sets 0x80 (128) d-cache-line-size 0x20 (32) d-cache-block-size 0x20 (32) d-cache-size 0x8000 (32768) d-cache-sets 0x80 (128) l2cr 0x0 (0) l3cr 0x0 (0) available
:10000000 existing
:10000000 translations FC05222 -- 1 initinst: instance 0xFC54FD8: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC54F78 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC55738 /cpus/PowerPC,74x7/l2-cache: parent=0xFC54F78 children=0x0 link=0xFC559C0 dict=0xFC55768: props=0xFC55780: name "l2-cache" device_type "l2-cache" cache-unified "" i-cache-line-size 0x40 (64) i-cache-block-size 0x40 (64) i-cache-size 0x40000 (262144) i-cache-sets 0x200 (512) d-cache-line-size 0x40 (64) d-cache-block-size 0x40 (64) d-cache-size 0x40000 (262144) d-cache-sets 0x200 (512) initinst: instance 0xFC55798: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC55738 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC559C0 /cpus/PowerPC,74x7/l3-cache: parent=0xFC54F78 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFC559F0: props=0xFC55A08: name "l3-cache" device_type "l3-cache" cache-unified "" i-cache-line-size 0x80 (128) i-cache-block-size 0x80 (128) i-cache-size 0x100000 (1048576) i-cache-sets 0x1000 (4096) d-cache-line-size 0x80 (128) d-cache-block-size 0x80 (128) d-cache-size 0x100000 (1048576) d-cache-sets 0x1000 (4096) initinst: instance 0xFC55A20: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC559C0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC55DA0 /rtas: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0x0 link=0xFC568B8 dict=0xFC55DD0: open func[0x1137] close func[0x1138] instantiate-rtas func[0x1139] props=0xFC55DE8: name "rtas" rtas-version 0x1 (1) rtas-size 0x2A90 (10896) rtas-display-device 0x0 (0) rtas-event-scan-rate 0x0 (0) rtas-error-log-max 0x0 (0) restart-rtas 0x0 (0) nvram-fetch 0x1 (1) nvram-store 0x2 (2) get-time-of-day 0x3 (3) set-time-of-day 0x4 (4) event-scan 0x6 (6) check-execption 0x7 (7) read-pci-config 0x8 (8) write-pci-config 0x9 (9) display-character 0xA (10) set-indicator 0xB (11) power-off 0x11 (17) suspend 0x12 (18) hibernate 0x13 (19) system-reboot 0x14 (20) initinst: instance 0xFC55E00: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC55DA0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC568B8 /failsafe: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0x0 link=0xFC58698 dict=0xFC568E8: open func[0x113E] close func[0x113F] read func[0x1140] write func[0x1141] install-abort func[0x1142] remove-abort func[0x1143] props=0xFC56900: name "failsafe" device_type "serial" initinst: instance 0xFC56918: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC568B8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC58698 /ethernet: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0xFC58810 link=0xFC58CB8 dict=0xFC586C8: open func[0x117B] close func[0x117C] props=0xFC586E0: name "ethernet" .description "Root entry for the Marvell 6436x GigaBit ethernet ports" initinst: instance 0xFC586F8: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC58698 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC58810 /ethernet/port1: parent=0xFC58698 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFC58840: open func[0x117D] close func[0x117E] dma-alloc func[0x117F] dma-free func[0x1180] read func[0x1181] write func[0x1182] load func[0x1183] ping func[0x1184] selftest func[0x1185] props=0xFC58858: name "port1" local-mac-address [0x6 bytes] [000] 000B2F62 E0B2 device_type "network" .description "GigaBit ethernet port 1 of the Marvell 6436x system controller" initinst: instance 0xFC58870: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC58810 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFC58B98 package 0xFC58CB8 /pci: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0xFC5A050 link=0xFC596A8 dict=0xFC58CE8: open func[0x118C] close func[0x118D] map-in func[0x118E] map-out func[0x118F] dma-alloc func[0x1190] dma-free func[0x1191] dma-map-in func[0x1192] dma-map-out func[0x1193] dma-sync func[0x1194] probe-self func[0x1195] decode-unit func[0x1196] encode-unit func[0x1197] config-l@ func[0x1198] config-l! func[0x1199] config-w@ func[0x119A] config-w! func[0x119B] config-b@ func[0x119C] config-b! func[0x119D] assign-package-address func[0x119E] intr-ack func[0x119F] special-! func[0x11A0] pci-rw@ func[0x11A1] pci-rw! func[0x11A2] pci-rl@ func[0x11A3] pci-rl! func[0x11A4] props=0xFC58D00: name "pci" device_type "pci" #address-cells 0x3 (3) #size-cells 0x2 (2) clock-frequency 0x1FCA055 (33333333) ranges [0x30 bytes] [000] 01000000 00000000 00000000 FE000000 [010] 00000000 00010000 02000000 00000000 [020] 80000000 80000000 00000000 40000000 8259-interrupt-acknowledge 0xF1000CB4 (-251654988) reg 80000000:40000000 pci-bridge-number 0x0 (0) bus-range 0:1 initinst: instance 0xFC58D18: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC58CB8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC5A050 /pci/host: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5A378 dict=0xFC5A080: props=0xFC5A098: vendor-id 0x11AB (4523) device-id 0x6460 (25696) revision-id 0x3 (3) class-code 0x60000 (393216) subsystem-id 0x0 (0) subsystem-vendor-id 0x0 (0) .vendor-name "Marvell" .part-number "MV6436x" .description "System Controller for PowerPC Processors" .class "Bridge Device" .subclass "Host/PCI" devsel-speed 0x0 (0) min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "host" reg 0:0 assigned-addresses initinst: instance 0xFC5A0B0: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5A050 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC5A378 /pci/firewire: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5A6C8 dict=0xFC5A3A8: props=0xFC5A3C0: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x3044 (12356) revision-id 0x46 (70) class-code 0xC0010 (786448) subsystem-id 0x1106 (4358) subsystem-vendor-id 0x3044 (12356) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT6306" .description "VIA Fire II 1394a OHCI Link Layer Ctrlr" .class "Serial Bus Controller" .subclass "IEEE 1394" interrupts 0x1 (1) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x20 (32) name "firewire" reg 1:0 m1,0,10,0:800 i1,0,14,0:80 assigned-addresses m1,0,10,80000000:800 i1,0,14,FE001080:80 initinst: instance 0xFC5A3D8: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.800.0 package=0xFC5A378 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC5A6C8 /pci/isa: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0xFC5AEC8 link=0xFC5BC50 dict=0xFC5A6F8: open func[0x11BF] close func[0x11C0] map-in func[0x11C1] map-out func[0x11C2] dma-alloc func[0x11C3] dma-free func[0x11C4] dma-map-in func[0x11C5] dma-map-out func[0x11C6] dma-sync func[0x11C7] probe-self func[0x11C8] decode-unit func[0x11C9] encode-unit func[0x11CA] probe-pnp func[0x11CB] props=0xFC5A710: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x8231 (33329) revision-id 0x10 (16) class-code 0x60100 (393472) subsystem-id 0x0 (0) subsystem-vendor-id 0x0 (0) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT8231" .description "PCI to ISA Bridge" .class "Bridge Device" .subclass "PCI/ISA" devsel-speed 0x1 (1) min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "isa" reg C:0 compatible [0x6A bytes] [000] 73610069 046E616D 65000000 60000000 [010] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000372 [020] 65670073 61006904 6E616D65 00000060 [030] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [040] 00037265 67007361 0069046E 616D6500 [050] 00006000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [060] 00000000 03726567 0000 device_type "isa" #address-cells 0x2 (2) #size-cells 0x1 (1) ranges eisa-slots 0x0 (0) clock-frequency 0x7F2815 (8333333) slot-names 0x0 (0) assigned-addresses initinst: instance 0xFC5A728: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6000.0 package=0xFC5A6C8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC5AEC8 /pci/isa/serial: parent=0xFC5A6C8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5B248 dict=0xFC5AEF8: open func[0x11CC] close func[0x11CD] selftest func[0x11CE] read func[0x11CF] write func[0x11D0] set-mode func[0x11D1] install-abort func[0x11D2] remove-abort func[0x11D3] props=0xFC5AF10: name "serial" device_type "serial" reg i2F8:8 interrupts [0x8 bytes] [000] 00000003 00000000 clock-frequency 0x0 (0) initinst: instance 0xFC5AF28: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5AEC8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x10E16BC package 0xFC5B248 /pci/isa/8042: parent=0xFC5A6C8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5B448 dict=0xFC5B278: props=0xFC5B290: name "8042" device_type "" reg i60:5 clock-frequency 0x0 (0) interrupt-controller "" #address-cells 0x1 (1) #size-cells 0x0 (0) #interrupt-cells 0x2 (2) initinst: instance 0xFC5B2A8: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5B248 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x10CF81C package 0xFC5B448 /pci/isa/keyboard: parent=0xFC5A6C8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5B690 dict=0xFC5B478: open func[0x11D4] close func[0x11D5] selftest func[0x11D6] read func[0x11D7] props=0xFC5B490: name "keyboard" device_type "keyboard" reg i60:5 interrupts [0x8 bytes] [000] 00000001 00000000 initinst: instance 0xFC5B4A8: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5B448 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x10E1A6C package 0xFC5B690 /pci/isa/rtc: parent=0xFC5A6C8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5B828 dict=0xFC5B6C0: props=0xFC5B6D8: name "rtc" device_type "rtc" reg i70:2 interrupts [0x8 bytes] [000] 00000008 00000000 clock-frequency 0x0 (0) compatible "ds1385-rtc" initinst: instance 0xFC5B6F0: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5B690 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x10CF774 package 0xFC5B828 /pci/isa/timer: parent=0xFC5A6C8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5B970 dict=0xFC5B858: props=0xFC5B870: name "timer" device_type "timer" reg i40:8 clock-frequency 0x0 (0) initinst: instance 0xFC5B888: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5B828 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x10CF7C8 package 0xFC5B970 /pci/isa/fdc: parent=0xFC5A6C8 children=0x0 link=0xFC5BAE0 dict=0xFC5B9A0: props=0xFC5B9B8: name "fdc" device_type "fdc" reg i3F0:8 interrupts [0x8 bytes] [000] 00000006 00000000 clock-frequency 0x0 (0) initinst: instance 0xFC5B9D0: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5B970 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x10CF8C4 package 0xFC5BAE0 /pci/isa/lpt: parent=0xFC5A6C8 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFC5BB10: props=0xFC5BB28: name "lpt" device_type "lpt" reg i3BC:8 interrupts [0x8 bytes] [000] 00000007 00000000 clock-frequency 0x0 (0) initinst: instance 0xFC5BB40: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5BAE0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x10CF870 package 0xFC5BC50 /pci/ide: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0xFC5C1F8 link=0xFC5CC70 dict=0xFC5BC80: open func[0x11D8] close func[0x11D9] dma-alloc func[0x11DA] dma-free func[0x11DB] decode-unit func[0x11DC] encode-unit func[0x11DD] selftest func[0x11DE] props=0xFC5BC98: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x571 (1393) revision-id 0x6 (6) class-code 0x1018F (65935) subsystem-id 0x0 (0) subsystem-vendor-id 0x0 (0) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT82C586/596/686" .description "PCI IDE Controller" interrupts 0x1 (1) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) fast-back-to-back min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "ide" reg C,1:0 iC,1,10,0:8 iC,1,14,0:4 iC,1,18,0:8 iC,1,1C,0:4 iC,1,20,0:10 device_type "spi" assigned-addresses iC,1,10,FE001000:8 iC,1,14,FE00100C:4 iC,1,18,FE001010:8 iC,1,1C,FE00101C:4 iC,1,20,FE001020:10 initinst: instance 0xFC5BCB0: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6100.0 package=0xFC5BC50 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFC5C170 package 0xFC5C1F8 /pci/ide/disk: parent=0xFC5BC50 children=0x0 link=0xFC5C728 dict=0xFC59EF0: open func[0x11DF] close func[0x11E0] read-blocks func[0x11E1] write-blocks func[0x11E2] block-size func[0x11E3] max-transfer func[0x11E4] size func[0x11E5] #blocks func[0x11E6] read func[0x11E7] write func[0x11E8] seek func[0x11E9] load func[0x11EA] selftest func[0x11EB] props=0xFC5C228: name "disk" device_type "block" reg 0,0:0 ata initinst: instance 0xFC5C240: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5C1F8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFC5C378 package 0xFC5C728 /pci/ide/cdrom: parent=0xFC5BC50 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFC5C758: open func[0x11EC] close func[0x11ED] read-blocks func[0x11EE] write-blocks func[0x11EF] block-size func[0x11F0] max-transfer func[0x11F1] size func[0x11F2] #blocks func[0x11F3] read func[0x11F4] write func[0x11F5] seek func[0x11F6] load func[0x11F7] selftest func[0x11F8] props=0xFC5C770: name "cdrom" device_type "block" reg 1,0:0 atapi initinst: instance 0xFC5C788: parent=0x0 numunits=2 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC5C728 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFC5C8C0 package 0xFC5CC70 /pci/usb: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0xFC74CF0 dict=0xFC5CCA0: open func[0x11F9] close func[0x11FA] reset func[0x11FB] decode-unit func[0x11FC] encode-unit func[0x11FD] props=0xFC5CCB8: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x3038 (12344) revision-id 0x1E (30) class-code 0xC0300 (787200) subsystem-id 0x925 (2341) subsystem-vendor-id 0x1234 (4660) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT83C572" .description "PCI USB Controller" .class "Serial Bus Controller" .subclass "USB (Universal Serial Bus)" interrupts 0x4 (4) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "usb" reg C,2:0 iC,2,20,0:20 device_type "usb" #address-cells 0x1 (1) #size-cells 0x0 (0) assigned-addresses iC,2,20,FE001040:20 initinst: instance 0xFC5CCD0: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6200.0 package=0xFC5CC70 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFC5D138 package 0xFC74CF0 /pci/usb: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0xFC8CD38 dict=0xFC5C1B0: open func[0x11FE] close func[0x11FF] reset func[0x1200] decode-unit func[0x1201] encode-unit func[0x1202] props=0xFC74D20: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x3038 (12344) revision-id 0x1E (30) class-code 0xC0300 (787200) subsystem-id 0x925 (2341) subsystem-vendor-id 0x1234 (4660) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT83C572" .description "PCI USB Controller" .class "Serial Bus Controller" .subclass "USB (Universal Serial Bus)" interrupts 0x4 (4) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "usb" reg C,3:0 iC,3,20,0:20 device_type "usb" #address-cells 0x1 (1) #size-cells 0x0 (0) assigned-addresses iC,3,20,FE001060:20 initinst: instance 0xFC74D38: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6300.0 package=0xFC74CF0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFC751A0 package 0xFC8CD38 /pci/other: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0xFC8D070 dict=0xFC5D3B8: props=0xFC8CD68: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x8235 (33333) revision-id 0x10 (16) class-code 0x68000 (425984) subsystem-id 0x0 (0) subsystem-vendor-id 0x0 (0) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT8235" .description "Power Management Controller" .class "Bridge Device" .subclass "Other" devsel-speed 0x1 (1) fast-back-to-back min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "other" reg C,4:0 assigned-addresses initinst: instance 0xFC8CD80: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6400.0 package=0xFC8CD38 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC8D070 /pci/sound: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0xFC8D3C0 dict=0xFC8D0A0: props=0xFC8D0B8: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x3058 (12376) revision-id 0x40 (64) class-code 0x40100 (262400) subsystem-id 0x0 (0) subsystem-vendor-id 0x0 (0) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT82C686A/B" .description "AC97 Audio Codec" .class "Multimedia Device" .subclass "Audio" interrupts 0x3 (3) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "sound" reg C,5:0 iC,5,10,0:100 iC,5,14,0:4 iC,5,18,0:4 assigned-addresses iC,5,10,FE001100:100 iC,5,14,FE001030:4 iC,5,18,FE001034:4 initinst: instance 0xFC8D0D0: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6500.0 package=0xFC8D070 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC8D3C0 /pci/pci1106,3068: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0xFC8D6C0 dict=0xFC8D3F0: props=0xFC8D408: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x3068 (12392) revision-id 0x20 (32) class-code 0x78000 (491520) subsystem-id 0x0 (0) subsystem-vendor-id 0x0 (0) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT82C686/686A/686B" .description "AC97 Modem Codec" interrupts 0x3 (3) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "pci1106,3068" reg C,6:0 iC,6,10,0:100 assigned-addresses iC,6,10,FE001200:100 initinst: instance 0xFC8D420: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6600.0 package=0xFC8D3C0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC8D6C0 /pci/ethernet: parent=0xFC58CB8 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFC8D6F0: open func[0x1203] close func[0x1204] dma-alloc func[0x1205] dma-free func[0x1206] read func[0x1207] write func[0x1208] load func[0x1209] ping func[0x120A] selftest func[0x120B] props=0xFC8D708: vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) device-id 0x3065 (12389) revision-id 0x51 (81) class-code 0x20000 (131072) subsystem-id 0x3065 (12389) subsystem-vendor-id 0x1106 (4358) .vendor-name "VIA" .part-number "VT6102" .description "Rhine II PCI Fast Ethernet Controller" .class "Network Controller" .subclass "Ethernet" interrupts 0x1 (1) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) min-grant 0xFF (255) max-latency 0xFF (255) name "ethernet" reg D:0 iD,0,10,0:100 mD,0,14,0:100 device_type "network" local-mac-address [0x6 bytes] [000] 000B2F43 98CC assigned-addresses iD,0,10,FE001300:100 mD,0,14,80000800:100 initinst: instance 0xFC8D720: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.6800.0 package=0xFC8D6C0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFC8DC78 package 0xFC596A8 /pci: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0xFC8DEC8 link=0xFD9F7E0 dict=0xFC596D8: open func[0x11A5] close func[0x11A6] map-in func[0x11A7] map-out func[0x11A8] dma-alloc func[0x11A9] dma-free func[0x11AA] dma-map-in func[0x11AB] dma-map-out func[0x11AC] dma-sync func[0x11AD] probe-self func[0x11AE] decode-unit func[0x11AF] encode-unit func[0x11B0] config-l@ func[0x11B1] config-l! func[0x11B2] config-w@ func[0x11B3] config-w! func[0x11B4] config-b@ func[0x11B5] config-b! func[0x11B6] assign-package-address func[0x11B7] intr-ack func[0x11B8] special-! func[0x11B9] pci-rw@ func[0x11BA] pci-rw! func[0x11BB] pci-rl@ func[0x11BC] pci-rl! func[0x11BD] props=0xFC596F0: name "pci" device_type "pci" #address-cells 0x3 (3) #size-cells 0x2 (2) clock-frequency 0x3F940AA (66666666) ranges [0x30 bytes] [000] 01000000 00000000 00000000 F8000000 [010] 00000000 00010000 02000000 00000000 [020] C0000000 C0000000 00000000 20000000 reg C0000000:20000000 pci-bridge-number 0x1 (1) bus-range 0:1 initinst: instance 0xFC59708: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC596A8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC8DEC8 /pci/host: parent=0xFC596A8 children=0x0 link=0xFC8E240 dict=0xFC8DEF8: props=0xFC8DF10: vendor-id 0x11AB (4523) device-id 0x6460 (25696) revision-id 0x3 (3) class-code 0x60000 (393216) subsystem-id 0x0 (0) subsystem-vendor-id 0x0 (0) .vendor-name "Marvell" .part-number "MV6436x" .description "System Controller for PowerPC Processors" .class "Bridge Device" .subclass "Host/PCI" devsel-speed 0x1 (1) 66mhz-capable fast-back-to-back min-grant 0x0 (0) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "host" reg 0:0 assigned-addresses initinst: instance 0xFC8DF28: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFC8DEC8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFC8E240 /pci/display: parent=0xFC596A8 children=0x0 link=0xFD9FAD8 dict=0xFC8E270: props=0xFC8E288: vendor-id 0x1002 (4098) device-id 0x5964 (22884) revision-id 0x1 (1) class-code 0x30000 (196608) subsystem-id 0x147B (5243) subsystem-vendor-id 0x6191 (24977) .vendor-name "ATI" .class "Display Controller" .subclass "PC Compatible" interrupts 0x1 (1) devsel-speed 0x1 (1) 66mhz-capable fast-back-to-back min-grant 0x8 (8) max-latency 0x0 (0) rom [0x20000 bytes] [000] 55AA68E9 8D060000 00000000 00000000 [010] 00000000 00000000 70010000 00004942 [020] 4D000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [030] 20373631 32393535 32300000 00000000 [040] 3F3F0000 00000000 04010000 00000000 [050] 32303034 2F30362F 31312030 303A3530 [060] 00000000 E9101300 E9B61E00 00000000 [070] 44764E37 107B1491 61000000 00000000 [080] 0D0A5261 64656F6E 20393230 30204238 [090] 31353538 2E303631 312E6D69 720D0A00 [0A0] 28432920 31393838 2D323030 332C2041 [0B0] 54492054 6563686E 6F6C6F67 69657320 [0C0] 496E632E 20424B2D 41544920 56455230 [0D0] 30382E30 31352E30 35382E30 30300020 [0E0] 64613036 31312E6D 69722076 36313120 [0F0] 00563238 30414750 20444744 31554E00 [100] 00906C00 08A00000 080F6C00 371F7A5A [110] 8C029801 DF008000 F1000000 00C000F0 [120] 7B149161 64590000 00000000 00004F78 [130] A06D3D0D 1A09FCC4 0406F205 00002454 [140] 565308C5 00000000 0000A804 C205377F [150] 00009503 FC059905 00000000 00000000 [160] 0000D801 EE010000 00000000 00008702 [170] 50434952 02106459 00001800 00000003 [180] 68000F08 00800000 41544920 52414445 [190] 4F4E2039 32303000 D0D00000 00000000 [1A0] D3304300 20924C6F F964E7B6 277E6C14 [1B0] 11413B93 00000000 00000000 00000000 [1C0] 00300000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [1D0] 00000000 00000000 01010F3B 045D04E7 [1E0] 01000000 00000001 00320032 80000107 [1F0] 566657F5 010005AC 01130000 00000000 [skipped] name "display" reg 8:0 mp8,0,10,0:8000000 i8,0,14,0:100 m8,0,18,0:10000 m8,0,30,0:20000 assigned-addresses mp8,0,10,C0000000:8000000 i8,0,14,F8001000:100 m8,0,18,C8000000:10000 m8,0,30,C8020000:20000 initinst: instance 0xFC8E2A0: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.4000.0 package=0xFC8E240 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFD9FAD8 /pci/display: parent=0xFC596A8 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFD9FB08: props=0xFD9FB20: vendor-id 0x1002 (4098) device-id 0x5D44 (23876) revision-id 0x1 (1) class-code 0x38000 (229376) subsystem-id 0x147B (5243) subsystem-vendor-id 0x6190 (24976) .vendor-name "ATI" .class "Display Controller" .subclass "Other" devsel-speed 0x1 (1) 66mhz-capable fast-back-to-back min-grant 0x8 (8) max-latency 0x0 (0) name "display" reg 8,1:0 mp8,1,10,0:8000000 m8,1,14,0:10000 assigned-addresses mp8,1,10,D0000000:8000000 m8,1,14,C8010000:10000 initinst: instance 0xFD9FB38: parent=0x0 numunits=3 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.4100.0 package=0xFD9FAD8 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0x0 package 0xFD9F7E0 /bootconsole: parent=0xFC53F08 children=0x0 link=0x0 dict=0xFD9F810: open func[0x120C] close func[0x120D] read func[0x120E] write func[0x120F] install-abort func[0x1210] remove-abort func[0x1211] props=0xFD9F828: name "bootconsole" device_type "bootconsole" initinst: instance 0xFD9F840: parent=0x0 numunits=1 unit=0x0.0.0.0 probe=0x0.0.0.0 package=0xFD9F7E0 dict=0x0: interposed=0 self=0x0 disp=0x0 self=0xFD9FA68 ok