Télécharger des aisconvert-1.11-bin-with-jre-win32.zip (aisconvert-1.11-bin-with-jre-win32.zip ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 21,723,944 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur aisconvert-1.11-bin-with-jre-win32.zip ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).

Informations sur le fichier

Taille du fichier
21,723,944 octets

Description du projet

Toolkit for processing genetic data. Currently supports (command-line): Half-IBD (Identity by descent) aka HIRs - between 2 or any number of files (in distances and cM); RAW2PED, PED2RAW conversions; regions of homozygousity and other converters.