Télécharger des bezier_curves-1.1.9-linux-i386.tar.gz (bezier_curves-1.1.9-linux-i386.tar.gz ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 1,833,790 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur bezier_curves-1.1.9-linux-i386.tar.gz ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).

Informations sur le fichier

Taille du fichier
1,833,790 octets

Description du projet

Cross-platform 3D game engine in Object Pascal. Extensible system of 3D objects, with out-of-the-box levels, items, intelligent creatures and more. Rendering and processing of 3D models in X3D, VRML, Collada and other formats. Latest graphic effects including shadows, shaders, mirrors, screen effects. Animation, collision detection, 3D sound.

Also home of view3dscene - our full-featured VRML/X3D browser. And also home of various games developed using the engine, like "The Castle".