Télécharger des libmwaw-0.3.13.tar.bz2 (libmwaw-0.3.13.tar.bz2 ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 1,483,180 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur libmwaw-0.3.13.tar.bz2 ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).

Informations sur le fichier

Taille du fichier
1,483,180 octets

Description du projet

libmwaw contains some import filters for old Macintosh text documents (MacWrite, ClarisWorks, ... ) and for some graphic and spreadsheet documents. It is based on top of the librevenge (see https://sourceforge.net/p/libwpd/wiki/librevenge/ ).

Currently, libmwaw is a new project, but it tries to import with some success about forty different formats (see the Wiki section for more details).