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Informations sur le fichier

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511,646 octets

Description du projet

myAgilePomodoro is a project and time management software that brings you the best of two worlds: Agile's most common practices and the Pomodoro Technique. This is a world's first!

mAP comes in two modes:
- Agile (default): Agile & Pomodoro for macro and micro management
- Pomodoro: plain old Pomodoro technique + priorization and charts

mAP comes in two usages:
- local database for individuals
- remote database (MySQL) for teams

mAP comes in two export modes:
- local: CSV, Excel 2003 and Open XML
- remote: Google Drive

mAP comes in two executables (no installer):
- .exe: Windows
- .jar: MacOS, Linux...

mAP comes in handy. Refer to the Wiki for installation and the user guide for configuration and more!