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Description du projet

ProcessViewBrowser & ProcessViewServer represent an OpenSource attempt to industrial process visualization. It is based on Qt and is very portable. (Now also available as commercial software)

Système requise

Système d'exploitation: Linux, Windows XP, OpenVMS

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Latest 5 files
Nom Taille Date Télécharger compter
rllib-10.tar.gz 10.4 MB 2006-03-14 22:58 102
rllib-10-1.i586.rpm 1.5 MB 2006-03-14 22:58 14
pcontrol-10.tar.gz 102.8 KB 2006-03-14 22:58 30
pcontrol-10-1.i386.rpm 26.4 KB 2006-03-14 22:58 8
SetupRLlib.exe 2.1 MB 2006-03-14 22:58 32
All Files
rllib-10.tar.gz10.4 MB2006-03-14 22:58102
rllib-10-1.i586.rpm1.5 MB2006-03-14 22:5814
pcontrol-10.tar.gz102.8 KB2006-03-14 22:5830
pcontrol-10-1.i386.rpm26.4 KB2006-03-14 22:588
SetupRLlib.exe2.1 MB2006-03-14 22:5832
SetupProcessView.exe25.8 MB2006-03-14 22:5847
ProcessView-28.tar.gz24.9 MB2006-03-14 22:5710
ProcessView-28-1.i586.rpm15.3 MB2006-03-14 22:5713