Télécharger des e363e54cdba439714d09c6babf2a96e30b6087dc7cbba09070e855a2676fa5bf-primary.xml.gz (e363e54cdba439714d09c6babf2a96e30b6087dc7cbba09070e855a2676fa5bf-primary.xml.gz ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 6,202 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur e363e54cdba439714d09c6babf2a96e30b6087dc7cbba09070e855a2676fa5bf-primary.xml.gz ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).

Informations sur le fichier

Taille du fichier
6,202 octets

Description du projet

Script-Tools is thought to provide a basic framework for the console, to ease and simulate a Text User Interface (TUI).

It comes with a vary of scripts to tweak and configure your system, as well as packaging for fedora, eventually other RH based distros, easy expandable and with fully custom scripts seperated per user.

There are also some scripts provided in [/usr]/bin. Which are: bash-colors blame chx hddinfo isEmpty isLVM lxscreenshot mem moalpa newScript p replaceit rmtf upd vimail yumreset yumresume
newScript will create a template script file ~/.config/script-tools/scripts and open it in your prefered editor, if you'd set on in "st config"

You can either browse through the menu, or execute each script directy by using menu entrys as arguments.
Have a try with: sudo st tweak repo toggle fedora-updates-testing