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Description du projet

This program is a Graphical User Interface for sed & awk programs. It allows you to manipulate streams using sed and awk commands. You may also pipe those commands other programs to manipulate the streams more.

Système requise

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Latest 3 files
Nom Taille Date Télécharger compter
sedawkpjr German.zip 11.5 MB 2017-03-11 07:15 6
Sed AWK BASH GUI.zip 5.6 MB 2016-10-16 09:04 22
Sed Awk GUI.zip 5.2 MB 2010-07-12 14:39 371
All Files
German Language
sedawkpjr German.zip11.5 MB2017-03-11 07:156
Sed AWK BASH GUI.zip5.6 MB2016-10-16 09:0422
Sed Awk GUI.zip5.2 MB2010-07-12 14:39371