Télécharger des active-record-example-2.3.2-jdk1.7.zip (active-record-example-2.3.2-jdk1.7.zip ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 1,913,651 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur active-record-example-2.3.2-jdk1.7.zip ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).

Informations sur le fichier

Taille du fichier
1,913,651 octets

Description du projet

Powerful ORM (Object Relational Mapping) for Java with minimal programming and configuration. Provides select, insert, update, and delete, and many other common operations. One-to-one and one-to-many cascading for unlimited levels. Simplified IN operator parameter as java.util.Collection. Custom conversions between any Java class/type and column type.

Works with any relational database. Tested with H2, HSQLDB, Derby, SQLiteJDBC, Firebird, DB2, Oracle 11g, PostgreSQL.

Performs as fast as plain JDBC. Performs faster than plain JDBC when caching is enabled.

Zero-configuration, zero-annotation use is possible.

Active record pattern may be used but is not required.

Version 3.1 has simplified cascade annotation with symbolic names and a default SelectCascade, for simplified configuration. Most cascades require no annotations.