Unable to install language pack (2016-07-29 16:15 by matt #78423)
The langpack (it) xpi appears correcly installed but the user interface is always in english.
Tenfourbird version 38.9
langpack-it version 38.4
How can I solve?
Thanks in advance,
Re: Unable to install language pack (2016-07-31 12:30 by t_mrc-ct #78439)
Langpack is correctly installed if you find Italiano Language Pack in Add-ons Manager.
But, Tenfourbird can not change locale automatically. You need to change it manually.
1. Open Preferences window (Top menu: Tenfourbird > Preferences).
2. Choose Advanced tab.
3. Choose General tab (on Advanced tab).
4. Click Config Editor ...
5. Click "I'll be careful, I promise!", if you could promise.
6. On Search: bar, input "general.useragent.locale". (ignore double quotation!)
7. Choose list item general.useragent.locale and double-click it.
8. On Input dialog, change "en-US" to "it". (ignore double quotation!)
9. Restart Tenfourbird.