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2008-06-25 00:34
Plain Text
4.59 - Change Log
2008.6.25 (Ver 4.59)
-Changed the application name from "UTF-8 TeraTerm Pro with TTSSH2" to "Tera Term".
 We will encourage the introduction by uninstallation and a new installation.
-added Windows XP x64, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 to the supported OSes list.
-updated to new Tera Term icon file(teraterm.ico, vt.ico) and macro icon file(ttmacro.ico). Special thanks to Tatsu Sakamoto.
-Pasting by clicking the middle button of mouse has been deleted in last release, but put it back.
 added DisablePasteMouseMButton entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
-changed Additional settings dialog.
 added ConfirmChangePaste option.
 added MouseEventTracking option.
 Moved from the partial content of General tab sheet to the new 'Copy and Paste' tab sheet.
 Bug fix: Not saving the others tab content.
 Bug fix: Can not create the `cygterm.cfg' file when the file does not exist.
 Bug fix: The invalid error message would be shown when the default log file name is not specified.
-added support for display confirmation dialog when 'Paste<CR>' menu was selected.
-added the user configuration for the mouse wheel scroll line.
 added MouseWheelScrollLine entry to teraterm.ini. The default value is 3.
 added a edit control on Additional settings dialog.
-added support for memorying previous .ttl file directory.
-added supoprt for hiding [LogMeTT] under [File] menu when LogMeTT.exe does not exist.
-added support for configurating the ScrollLock key in KEYBOARD.CNF file.
 added ScrollLock entry in KEYBOARD.CNF file. The default value is 70.
-added support for configurating whether the current buffer would be scrolled out with <ESC>[J clear screen.
 added ScrollWindowClearScreen entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
-Prevented automatically scroll out other than the latest bottom line (Not reset scrollback on display activity). However, the scrollback will be reset when a user inputs any key (except control keys such as CTRL and SHIFT). Special thanks to Salarm.
 added AutoScrollOnlyInBottomLine entry to teraterm.ini. The default value is on.
 added a check box on Additional settings dialog.
-added support for the configuration whether the Unicode character that Tera Term does not support treated as a wide character.
 added the UnknownUnicodeCharacterAsWide entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is off.
-If a received Kanji code is either UTF-8 or UTF-8m, some chracters such as a ruler and special characters will be displayed by using similar characters in DEC special character set. These characters are categorized into several groups and you can specify each group to be converted or not.
 added the UnicodeToDecSpMapping entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is 3.
-added specifying the default file name as the sending file name when a file specified by FileSendFilter.
-added the ASCII string of the hexdump in X and ZMODEM log file.
 added YmodemLog in teraterm.ini file. The default value is off. Currently, Tera Term not supporting YMODEM protocol.
-added 'strmatch' macro command.
-added 'setrts' and 'setdtr' macro command.
-added support for WM_COPYDATA message continuous transmission by using the Broadcast Command. Special thanks to Salarm.
-added support for changing the window icon of VT and TEK.
 added the VTIcon and TEKIcon entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is "Default".
 added the /VTICON and /TEKICON command line option.
 added setting up the CygTerm icon on VT window by launching CygTerm(This feature is enabled on a new installation).
added the `/VTIcon=CygTerm' command line option in TERM entry of cygterm.cfg.
-Moved the confirmation dialog of ConfirmChangePaste from the mouse cursor to the current caret position.
-The work selection by double-clicking was enabled when the mouse tracking mode is used.
-Maximum nuber of tracked host name in New Connection dialog is increased from 99 to 200.
-Modified Tera Term installer script
 added the cyglaunch shortcut to the startup menu.
 added the cyglaunch shortcut to the quick launch bar.
 linked .ttl file to the ttpmacro.exe program.
 linked telnet protocol to the ttermpro.exe program.
 updated FileDir entry in the TERATERM.INI file to Tera Term installation directory.
-Bug fix: "Window list" dialog was not appeared in VT window.
-Bug fix: Some application like as LogMeTT.exe and cygterm.exe, or cygterm.cfg file would not work well when Tera Term current directory is changed because the fullpath does not be specified.
-Bug fix: XModemRcvCommand entry in teraterm.ini file could not be empty.
-Bug fix: Invalid position could be notified with the mouse event tracking.
-Bug fix: Could not automatically connect with the serial line when both "/C=" and "/M=" options are specified at ttermpro.exe.
-Bug fix: The control sequence by using C1 control character could not work well when the receiving KANJI code is UTF-8 or UTF-8m.
-Bug fix: Changing the window title with the control sequence would not work well when the receiving KANJI code is SJIS.
-Bug fix: The background color and ANSI color configuration would not work well when a user specify /F= option on "New Connection" dialog.
-Bug fix: Tera Term window would not display when a user pushes OK button on "Additional Settings" dialog with Eterm lookfeel enabled.
-Bug fix: Tera Term window would be shifted down from the top of the external monitor and aligned to the top of the primary monitor when the window mazimizes on the dual monitor.
-Bug fix: The edge of Tera Term window would protrude in the external monitor when the window mazimizes on the dual monitor.
-Bug fix: fixed a problem that MaxBroadcatHistory allows up to 99 although more than 100 can be specified.
-upgraded TTSSH version supporting SSH2 to 2.47
-upgraded TeraTerm Menu to 1.08
-upgraded LogMeTT to 2.9.4

2008.6.25 (Ver 2.47)
-added the destination address of a received file on SSH SCP dialog.
-added support for port number of ssh_known_hosts file.
-updated to new TTSSH icon file(ttsecure.ico). Special thanks to Tatsu Sakamoto.
-Bug fix: memory leak problem
-Bug fix: The sending file with SCP could be locked.
-upgraded OpenSSL to 0.9.8h

2008.6.25 (Ver 1.08)
-added support for Pageant.
updated to new TeraTerm icon file(teraterm.ico). Special thanks to Tatsu Sakamoto.