Use of canvas renderer
I have once tested CanvasRenderer of THREE.js but it was too slow even for small proteins...
But "line" and "strand" representation might be possible, as we don't have to worry about hidden surface removal. I will try it.
thanks for your consideration As I will submit the use of it to a protein modelisation result display
I uploaded very preliminary test on
Only line drawing(strand and C-alpha trace) works. Ribbon, ligand, etc is not implemented although UI is present.
As you can see, it is very slow compared to the WebGL version. I don't think it is practical on mobile devices. On PCs, it may be practical but I think PC users can use the WebGL version. (Internet Explorer doesn't support canvas so users have to use Firefox, Chrome or Safari anyway, and then, they can use WebGL)
So my question is, who need a Canvas version? (I know that on some old computers WebGL is disabled by default, but still they can enable it manually and it works in most cases)
I agree it was slower than expected, I was hoping to go through the hurdle of enabling webGL (most of my users are on safari). Plus canvas version would have been useful for mobile platforms (iOS).
Using the canvas renderer, would allow a larger audience of users, I understand the impact on performance, but I guess it could be used for lightweight models