GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content: text, mathematics, graphics, interactive content. TeXmacs can also be used as an interface to many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, and statistics. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using Scheme.
Projets liésmixfont-mplus-ipa, MeCab, Dumpper v.60.3, Amateras, Properties Editor |
GNU Zile (Zile Is Lossy Emacs) is a lightweight Emacs clone. Every Emacs user should feel at home with Zile. Zile is aimed at small footprint systems (a typical binary is about 100Kb) and quick editing sessions (it starts up and shuts down instantly).
Projets liésSAKURA Editor, Win32 Disk Imager, MPC-BE, XKeymacs, MeCab |
XEmacs (formerly known as Lucid Emacs) is a powerful, extensible text editor with full GUI support, initially based on an early version of GNU Emacs 19 from the Free Software Foundation and since kept up to ate with recent versions of that product. XEmacs stems from a collaboration of Lucid, Inc. with Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the University of Illinois with additional support having been provided by Amdahl Corporation, INS Engineering Corporation, and a huge amount of volunteer effort.
Projets liésMeCab, SharpDevelop-jp, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3 |
AUCTeX is a much-enhanced (La)TeX environment for Emacs and part of the GNU project.
Projets liésSAKURA Editor, TuxGuitar, DeSmuME, Properties Editor, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
The Insidious Big Brother Database (BBDB) is a contact management utility for use with GNU Emacs and XEmacs. It can hook into Emacs-based mail- and news-readers and automatically collect information on messages therein.
Projets liésWin32 Disk Imager, Properties Editor, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, blanco Framework, PukiWiki |
XKeymacs provides key bindings like Emacs for applications running on Microsoft Windows. You can also configure bindings for each application.
Register Date: 2003-08-09 12:00
Projets liésEee Community, X/Qt Server, Special Launch, GNU Emacs for Windows, keyTouch |
crypt++.el is a package of Lisp functions that recognize automatically encrypted and encoded (i.e., compressed) files when they are first visited or written. The BUFFER corresponding to the file is decoded and/or decrypted before it is presented to the user. The file itself is unchanged on the disk. When the buffer is subsequently saved to disk, a hook function re-encodes the buffer before the actual disk write takes place.
Projets liésProperties Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SlunkCrypt, SmillaEnlarger |
EMacro is a .emacs that easily configures Emacs
and XEmacs on most platforms, without any elisp
Projets liésgnupack, TuxGuitar, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, SmillaEnlarger |
The purpose of the preview-latex package is to embed LaTeX environments such as display math or figures into Emacs source buffers. As of version 11.80, it has been integrated into AUCTeX and will no longer be separately released.
Projets liésMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, Win32 Disk Imager, nkf Network Kanji Filter, gnupack, MPC-BE |
International Ispell is an interactive spell-checking program for Unix, which supports a large number of European languages (only English dictionaries are included in the source tarball). An emacs interface is available, as well as the standard command-line mode.
Projets liésSAKURA Editor, Darik's Boot and Nuke, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, TuxGuitar, TOMBO |
confluence-el is an Emacs extension that allows you to interact with Atlassian's Confluence wiki. It supports various methods for both navigating/viewing the wiki content and editing wiki pages and associated content.
Projets liésDumpper v.60.3, gnupack, MPC-BE, PukiWiki, MacEmacs JP |
MIT/GNU Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, providing an interpreter, compiler, source-code debugger, integrated Emacs-like editor, and a large runtime library. MIT/GNU Scheme is best suited to programming large applications with a rapid development cycle. Recent versions of the system are supported on the following platforms: GNU/Linux, *BSD, OS/2, and Windows.
Projets liésMysaifu JVM, Amateras, Properties Editor, SmillaEnlarger, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows |
EmacsWiki gives you quick access to a hypertext
"wiki" system for storing and navigating
information from within Emacs. The wiki pages are
normal files, and can contain wiki markup which
can be published to HTML and TeX or used entirely
within Emacs.
Projets liésnkf Network Kanji Filter, DeSmuME, Darik's Boot and Nuke, TuxGuitar, iReport-Designer for JasperReports |
Proof General is a generic Emacs interface for proof assistants, suitable for use by pacifists and Emacs militants alike. It is supplied ready-customized for LEGO, Coq, and Isabelle. You can adapt Proof General to other proof assistants if you know a little bit of Emacs Lisp.
Projets liésDarik's Boot and Nuke, gnupack, DeSmuME, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, MacEmacs JP |
ECB is a source code browser for (x)emacs. It
displays a couple of windows that can be used to
browse directories, files, and file contents like
methods and variables. It supports source code
parsing for languages like Java, C, C++, Elisp,
Scheme, Perl, TeX, LaTeX, etc. In addition, it
offers an (optional) permanent "compile window" at
the bottom of the emacs frame, which is used to
display all help and compile output. The rest of
the frame is called the "edit area", which can be
divided into several edit windows that are used
for editing the sources. Deleting some of the edit
windows neither destroys the compile window nor
the browsing windows. It requires the CEDET suite.
Projets liésgnupack, MPC-BE, MeCab, SharpDevelop-jp, Properties Editor |